(112 MB available)


LX8/29C3/Our daily Job- Hacking the law [29C3].mp4

LX8/29C3/Certificate Authority Collapse.mp4

LX8/29C3/Re-igniting the crypto-wars on the web [29C3[preview]].mp4

LX8/29C3/Trojaner-Blindflug [29c3].mp4

LX8/29C3/Die Wahrheit, was wirklich passierte und was in der Zeitung stand [29c3].mp4

LX8/29C3/Jesselyn Radack, Thomas Drake, William Binney on whistleblowing and surveillance.mp4


LX8/30c3/Jacob Appelbaum - To protect and infect Part 2.mp4

LX8/30c3/Der Kampf um Netzneutralität - Wer kontrolliert das Netz? [30c3].mp4

LX8/30c3/Nerds in the news [30c3].mp4

LX8/30c3/Ueberwachen und Sprache [30C3].mp4

LX8/30c3/Through a PRISM Darkly Everything we know about NSA spying [30c3].mp4 (Kurt Opsahl, EFF)

LX8/30c3/The Internet (Doesnt) Need Another Security Guide [30c3].mp4


LX8/Arts/Johanna Levy

LX8/Arts/Johanna Levy/intro.png

LX8/Arts/Johanna Levy/AFTER (short version) Dezember 2014.mp4

LX8/Arts/Johanna Levy/AFTER-short Dezember 2014.mp4

LX8/Arts/Johanna Levy/After, Dossier 2014.pdf

LX8/Arts/Klaus Kammer/Franz Kafka "Ein Bericht fuer eine Akademie"27.9.1962.mp4

LX8/Arts/Marcel Proust - Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit.mov

LX8/Arts/Theodor Fontane/Gert Westphal - Der Stechlin (1.mp3 - 10.mp3)

LX8/Breitband Audio-Beitraege

LX8/Breitband Audio-Beitraege/Thilo Weichert (Datenschutz, Schleswig-Holstein) Konferenz "Demokratie & Oeffentlichkeit", 2. Okt. 2010.mp3

LX8/Breitband Audio-Beitraege/Micah Sifry on impact of social web technologies - 12. Febr. 2011.mp3

LX8/Breitband Audio-Beitraege/Kuenstl. Intelligenz (Alpha Go etc.), Ph. Banse - 26. Maerz 2016.mp3

LX8/DemocracyNow, April 20, 2012

LX8/DemocracyNow/More_Secrets_on_Growing_State_Surveillance_ Exclusive_with_NSA_Whistleblower_Targeted_Hacker.mp4

LX8/DemocracyNow/William_Binney-Interview, April 20, 2012.mov

LX8/DemocracyNow/"We Don't Live in a Free Country"- Jacob Appelbaum on Being Target of Mass Govt Surveillance.mp4

LX8/DemocracyNow/"The NSA Is Lying"- U.S. Government Has Copies of Most of Your Emails Says NSA Whistleblower.mp4


LX8/DemocracyNow/Detained in the US- Filmmaker Laura Poitras Held, Questioned Some 40 Times at US Airports.mp4


LX8/films/Caravaggio 1986 Derek Jarman.mp4


LX8/Interviews/Ed Murrow - See It Now! with J.Robert Oppenheimer.mp4


LX8/Interviews/Edelman/Gerald Edelman talks to Basil Gelpke- Simple words and deep meanings.mp4

LX8/Interviews/Edelman/History of Neuroscience- Gerald Edelman.mp4

LX8/Interviews/Le Corbusier - Chr. Archambeaud, J.Barsac parts 2 & 3 (1987)















LX8/Interviews/Walter Masing Leben.wmv

LX8/re-publica 2014

LX8/re-publica 2014/Katarzyna Szymielewicz- Why should yo....mp4

LX8/re-publica 2014/Gate keeping, old and new. Alexa O'Brian-Jillian York.mp4

LX8/re-publica 2014/Florian Alexander Schmidt- Crowdsourcing Design- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.mp4

LX8/re-publica 2014/Sarah Harrison - WikiLeaks, Manning and Snowden- From USA to USB.mp4


LX8/SIGINT_13/The Politics of Surveillance- Understanding the National Security Agency.mp4

LX8/SIGINT_13/How to wiretap the Cloud without anybody noticing.mp4


LX8/Surveillance/NSA Whistleblower William Binney- The Future of FREEDOM Tragedy&Hope.mp4 (notes)

LX8/Surveillance/NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake speaks at National Press Club - March 15, 2013.mp4


LX8/Surveillance/Raegan MacDonald- Surveillance by Design_re-publica_2013.mp4

LX8/Surveillance/NSA - BND - VS - Geheimdienste außer Kontrolle.mp4

LX8/Surveillance/Edward Snowden Interview 26.1.2014.mp4


(170 MB available)


LX16/30c3/Hillbilly Tracking of Low Earth Orbit [30c3].flv

LX16/30c3/Fnord News Show 2013 [30c3] mit Frank & Fefe.flv

LX16/30c3/Amtliche Datenschuetzer - Kontrolleure oder Papiertiger.mp4

LX16/30c3/Bullshit made in Germany [30c3].mp4

LX16/30c3/Keine Anhaltspunkte für flächendeckende √úberwachung [30c3 - preview].mp4

LX16/30c3/How to Build a Mind Artificial Intelligence Reloaded [30c3].mp4

LX16/30c3/Against Metadata [30c3].mp4

LX16/30c3/Europe the USA and Identity Ecosystems [30c3].flv

LX16/30c3/Drones [30c3].flv

LX16/30c3/Making machines that make [30C3].flv

LX16/30c3/Hardware Attacks, Advanced ARM Exploitation, and Android Hacking [30c3].flv

LX16/30c3/Der Kampf um Netzneutralitaet Wer kontrolliert das Netz[30c3].flv

LX16/30c3/Hacker Jeopardy 2013 [30c3].flv

LX16/30c3/Julian Assange- Sysadmins of the world, unite! [30c3].flv

LX16/30c3/Ecuador and hope for global privacy - Jacob Appelbaum at 30C3.flv

LX16/30c3/Basics of Digital Wireless Communication [30c3].mp4

LX16/30c3/The Four Wars Terror whistleblowers drugs internet [30c3].flv

LX16/30c3/Drohnenkriege - KriegeDerZukunft.mp4

LX16/30c3/Closing Event.flv

LX16/30c3/Der tiefe Staat [30c3].flv

LX16/30c3/Concepts for global TSCM.mp4

LX16/30c3/Beyond the Tech - Building Internet Freedom Tools for Real People.mp4

LX16/30c3/Backdoors Government Hacking and The Next Crypto Wars [30c3].mp4

LX16/30c3/Chelsea Manning  [30c3].flv

LX16/30c3/DLF-Diskussion - Big Data&Dual Use.flv

LX16/30c3/DLF-Diskussion - Braucht Informatik Hacker.flv

LX16/30c3/Kryptographie nach Snowden [30C3[preview]].mp4


LX16/30c3/Counter Strike - Lawful Interception [30c3].flv

LX16/30c3/Glenn Greenwald [30C3-27.12.13].flv

LX16/30c3/Electronic Bank Robberies [30c3].mp4

LX16/30c3/Seeing the Secret State - Six Landscapes (Trevor Paglen) [30c3].mp4

LX16/30c3/My journey into FM-RDS [30c3].mp4

LX16/30c3/The Year in Crypto [30c3].mp4

LX16/30c3/Warum die Digitale Revolution des Lernens gescheiterti st [30c3].mp4

LX16/30c3/The Tor Network [30c3] (with Jacob Applebaum).flv

LX16/30c3/Zwischen supersicherer Verschlüsselung und Klartext.mp4

LX16/30c3/Wie wehrt man sich gegen UeberwachungTimPritlove.flv


LX16/Filme/J.W.von Goethe/Fritz Kortner/Marcel Ophuels/Schauspielhaus Hamburg, Clavigo (1970)

LX16/Filme/Peter Patzak/Dieter Forte/Ernst Schröder, Der Aufstieg - ein Mann geht verloren, Suedwestfunk Baden-Baden (1980)

LX16/Filme/Frank Beyer, Der Koenig und sein Narr.flv

LX16/Films/Martin Ritt, Der Spion, der aus der Kaelte kam (1965).mp4

LX16/Filme/Richard Rowley, Dirty Wars ++ Full Documentary USA (2013).mp4

LX16/Filme/Carlheinz Caspari / Dieter Meichsner, Jenseits von Schweden (1979)

LX16/Filme/Charles Van Damme, Le joueur de violon (1994).mp4

LX16/Filme/Vithalbhai Jhaveri, MAHATMA - Life of Gandhi, 1869-1948 Pt1 of 2 (2h).mp4

LX16/Filme/Vithalbhai Jhaveri, MAHATMA - Life of Gandhi, 1869-1948 Pt2 of 2 (3hrs 10min).mp4


LX16/Interviews/Walter Gropius im Gespraech mit Friedrich Luft - Experiment, Mythos, Inspiration - das Bauhaus (1965) .flv

LX16/Interviews/HughThompson#1, HardTalk with Tim Sebastian.flv

LX16/Interviews/HughThompson#2, HardTalk with Tim Sebastian.flv

LX16/Interviews/Max Plancks Selbstdarstellung 1942.mov



LX16/remix/G. Richter & A. Bruckner / B. Haitink - 8. Sinfonie, III. Satz.mp4


LX16/Surveillance/Democracy Now! 20 April 2012

LX16/Surveillance/"We Don't Live in a Free Country"- Jacob Appelbaum on Being Target of Mass Govt Surveillance.mp4

LX16/Surveillance/Detained in the US- Filmmaker Laura Poitras Held, Questioned Some 40 Times at US Airports.mp4

LX16/Surveillance/Exclusive_ National_Security_Agency_Whistleblower_William_Binney_on_Growing_State_Surveillance.mp4


LX16/Surveillance/More_Secrets_on_Growing_State_Surveillance_ Exclusive_with_NSA_Whistleblower_Targeted_Hacker.mp4



LX16/Surveillance/Bugs Bunny von Stop Orwell 2020 #OpBama #PRISM - Berlin 19.06.2013.mp4

LX16/Surveillance/Snowden - Das Interview, ndr, Dec_2013.mp4


(242 MB available)


INTENSO#1/32C3/Avoiding kernel panic- Europe's biggest fails in digital policy-making.mp4

INTENSO#1/32C3/How to browse the internet anonymously using Tails and Tor.mp4

INTENSO#1/32C3/Net Neutrality in Europe.mp4

INTENSO#1/32C3/Netzpolitik in der Schweiz [32c3].mp4

INTENSO#1/32C3/Visualizing WLAN Channel Usage on OpenWRT.mp4

INTENSO#1/32C3/Hardware-Trojaner in Security-Chips [32c3].mp4

INTENSO#1/32C3/Crypto Wars Part II- The Empires Strike Back.mp4

INTENSO#1/Andre_Meister_BND-Gesetz-npa52-DigiGes(18.10.2016).mp4 (in YouTube)


INTENSO#1/Filme/Die Lymphatersche Formel.mp3

INTENSO#1/Filme/Charles van Damme, Le Joueur de Violon (1994)

INTENSO#1/Filme/Dominique de Rivaz, Mein Name ist Bach (2004).mp4

INTENSO#1/Filme/Hoerspiel - Der Futurologische Kongress (Stanislaw Lem).mp4

INTENSO#1/Filme/Isaac Bashevis Singer, Cafeteria (1986).mp3

INTENSO#1/Filme/Peter Webber, Girl with a Pearl Earring (2004).mp4

INTENSO#1/Francois Busnel & Jean-Pierre Devillers, Stefan Zweig - ein Europaer von Welt




INTENSO#1/Gabriele Krone-Schmalz

INTENSO#1/Krone-Schmalz/Krone-Schmalz- Russland, Feindbilder, Journalisten und Putin-Versteher.mp4

INTENSO#1/Krone-Schmalz/Wichige Nachrichten im Russ.-TV. was jeder wissen muss, aber westliche Medien verschweigen!.mp4

INTENSO#1/Krone-Schmalz/Gabriele Krone-Schmalz über "NATO in Zivil" in der Ukraine, Russland und Medienpropaganda.mp4

INTENSO#1/Krone-Schmalz/Gabriele Krone-Schmalz- Russland verstehen Teil- 3-4 Tipp- NachDenkSeiten.de.mp3

INTENSO#1/Krone-Schmalz/Gabriele Krone-Schmalz- Russland verstehen Teil- 4-4 Tipp- NachDenkSeiten.de.mp3

INTENSO#1/Krone-Schmalz/Gabriele Krone-Schmalz-Pazifismus wird ins Lächerliche gezogen und Politik militarisiert sich.mp4

INTENSO#1/Krone-Schmalz/Im Dialog- Gabriele Krone Schmalz über Ukraine-Konflikt, Russland, Putin, Medien.mp4

INTENSO#1/Krone-Schmalz/Ukraine Krieg- Rede von Gabriele Krone Schmalz (6.9.14).mp4

INTENSO#1/Krone-Schmalz/Unbedingt anschauen- Ein echter, neutraler Europäer analysiert Ukraine-Konflikt.mp4

INTENSO#1/Krone-Schmalz/Scherbenhaufen einer verfehlten Russlandpolitik.mp4

INTENSO#1/Krone-Schmalz/Prof. Dr. Gabriele Krone-Schmalz- "Gefährliche Feindbilder und in Macht verliebte Psychopathen"..mp4

INTENSO#1/Krone-Schmalz/Krone-Schmalz- Medien nicht hilfreich! Journalisten sollen nicht Politik machen sondern erklären.mp4

INTENSO#1/Krone-Schmalz/Gabriele Krone-Schmalz- Einseitige Berichterstattung in den Medien..mp4

INTENSO#1/Krone-Schmalz/(2) G. Krone-Schmalz- Russland verstehen. Der Kampf um die Ukraine und die Arroganz des Westens..mp4

INTENSO#1/Krone-Schmalz/Hintergrund- Rede von Prof. Dr. Grabriele Krone Schmalz zum Völkerrecht..mp4

INTENSO#1/Krone-Schmalz/Gabriele Krone-Schmalz-Pazifismus wird ins Lächerliche gezogen und Politik militarisiert sich-1.mp4

INTENSO#1/Krone-Schmalz/Gabriele Krone-Schmalz- Russland verstehen Teil- 1-4 Tipp- NachDenkSeiten.de.mp3

INTENSO#1/Krone-Schmalz/Gabriele Krone-Schmalz- Russland verstehen Teil- 2-4 Tipp- NachDenkSeiten.de.mp3

INTENSO#1/Krone-Schmalz/Russlandexpertin Gabriele Krone-Schmalz | alpha-Forum | ARD-alpha.mp4


INTENSO#1/Geheimdienst-UA/Geheimdienst-UA Papier, Bäcker, Hoffmann-Riem "Grundrechte wahren".mp4 

(Hoffmann-Riem ab 28:00, Bäcker ab 44:18)

INTENSO#1/Geheimdienst-UA/Hans-Juergen Papier-Keynote.mp4 - Grundrechtskonform? 

Spannung nachrichtendienstliche Aufklaerungsarbeit und Anforderungen von Grundgesetz & Menschenrechten

INTENSO#1/Geheimdienst-UA/NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss des Bundestags 9. Sitzung - Expertenrunde-Cyberangriffe.mp4

INTENSO#1/Geheimdienst-UA/Matthias Baecker - Strategische Telekommunikationsüberwachung auf dem Pruefstand.mp4

INTENSO#1/Jeffrey Sachs

INTENSO#1/Jeffrey Sachs/Jeffrey Sachs - The Age of Sustainable Development.mp4

INTENSO#1/Jeffrey Sachs/Talk to Al Jazeera - Jeffrey Sachs- 'That's not a free market, that's a game'.mp4

INTENSO#1/Jeffrey Sachs/2015-The Age of Sustainable Development.mp4

INTENSO#1/Jeffrey Sachs/Jeffrey Sachs & Kevin Watkins on Financing for sustainable development.mp4

INTENSO#1/Jeffrey Sachs/CIRSD Conference, "The Crisis in Ukraine", Prof. Jeffrey D. Sachs, Columbia University.mp4

INTENSO#1/Jeffrey Sachs/Jeffrey Sachs - Ending Poverty in Our Generation.mp4

INTENSO#1/Jeffrey Sachs/Climate Change and the Green Economy - Jeffrey Sachs.mp4

INTENSO#1/Jeffrey Sachs/Jeffrey Sachs (full) | Conversations with Tyler.mp4

INTENSO#1/Jeffrey Sachs/Globalization, Technological Change, and Inequality- Jeffrey Sachs and Paul Krugman in Conversation.mp4

INTENSO#1/Joseph Rotblat

INTENSO#1/Joseph Rotblat/Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs- "The Social Responsibility of Scientists".mp4

INTENSO#1/Joseph Rotblat/Rotblat@BBC_January10_2012.mp3

INTENSO#1/Lawrence Wilkerson

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Empire Files Fmr. Bush Official says the Empire's Ship is Sinking-2015-12-01-amartin1211ef14wilkerson.mp3

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Pt1 The Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Is the U.S. Secretly Welcoming Increased Russian Syria Involvement?.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Israel, Iran, and ISIS - U.S. Policy Towards Syria is Wrong says Wilkerson.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Marco Rubio Rises in the Polls While Promoting Reagan-Style Foreign Policy-1.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/The Empire Files- 'This Ship is Sinking' Says Former Bush Official.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Republicans and Some Democrats are Seeking a Veto-Proof Bill on the Nuclear Agreement with Iran.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/An Evening With Larry Wilkerson.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Pt3 The Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Kerry Opens a Door to Negotiating with Assad in Syria.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Colleges Train for Work, Not Thought.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Wilkerson on 9-11.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Why Is Obama Using Flimsy Evidence to Blame North Korea for Sony Hack?.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Wilkerson on Cuba.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Wilkerson on Cuba Pt.2.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Who's Behind the Restoration of US-Cuba Relations?.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Why does Cuba fear Miami?.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/War Profits Drive GOP Hawks- Wilkerson on GOP Debate.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Why a Saudi King Might Want the US to Attack Iran.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/What are U.S. Objectives in Weakening Russia's Economy?.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/US foreign policy - Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Assad Has Lost Over Fifty Percent of Syria to ISIS-2.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Turkey Enters Fight Against ISIS, But Target is Still Assad.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Ousting Assad is Counterproductive and Illegal, Says Congresswoman.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Paris Evokes 9-11 in State of Fear and Revenge.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Skin In the Game- Poor Kids and Patriots.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Sen. Marco Rubio Unveils His Candidacy and Platform for "A New American Century".mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Pt2 The Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Estamos de Vuelta! The Cuban Embassy Reopens.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/A Security and Finance State that Dominates the American People.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Colleges Train for Work, Not Thought-1.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Merkel In Washington Seeking a Negotiated Solution to Ukraine-1.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson "GOP Is On Their Rear Ends!".mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/How Israel planned Flotilla attack.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Is America Becoming a Garrison State?.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Israel and US Strategic Interests.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Cheney Blasts Iran Deal, Forgets That As VP Iran Got Closer to Getting Nukes.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Will Congress Unravel the Iran Nuclear Deal?.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Wilkerson- Iran Deal Creates World's Most Intrusive Inspection Regime-1.mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Wilkerson- The Hypocrisy of U.S. Syria Policy (2-2).mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Wilkerson- The Hypocrisy of U.S. Syria Policy (1-2).mp4

INTENSO#1/Wilkerson/Wilkerson on the Decline of Empire 3.mp4

INTENSO#1/Von Mossadegh über Gaddafi zu Putin! Westliche Inszenierung von Feindbildern! Michael Lüders.mp4

INTENSO#1/re-publica 15 + Media Convention 2015

INTENSO#1/re-publica 15 + Media Convention 2015/301+ - Das YouTube Netzwerk.mp4

INTENSO#1/re-publica 15 + Media Convention 2015/Annie Machon- The War on Concepts.mp4

INTENSO#1/re-publica 15 + Media Convention 2015/Bernhard Pörksen mit P. Banse.mp4

INTENSO#1/re-publica 15 + Media Convention 2015/Henning Tillmann- VDS verhindern  -  letzte Chance SPD-Parteikonvent?.mp4

INTENSO#1/re-publica 15 + Media Convention 2015/Ingrid Brodnig- Die kaputte politische Debatte- Wie das Internet Teil des Pro....mp4

INTENSO#1/re-publica 15 + Media Convention 2015/Jacob Appelbaum, Max Hoppenstedt- Frontier of Freedom  - The State of the Deepweb.mp4

INTENSO#1/re-publica 15 + Media Convention 2015/Leonhard Dobusch- Wider die Bewilligungskultur im Netz.mp4

INTENSO#1/re-publica 15 + Media Convention 2015/Andre Meister- Luegen für die Vorratsdatenspeicherung.mp4

INTENSO#1/re-publica 15 + Media Convention 2015/Frank Rieger- Warum wir aufhoeren muessen, zu versuchen, Technologien als sol....mp4

INTENSO#1/re-publica 15 + Media Convention 2015/Danko Nikolic- AI-kindergarten- Building biological-like artificial intelligence.mp4

INTENSO#1/re-publica 15 + Media Convention 2015/MediaConvention2015

INTENSO#1/re-publica 15 + Media Convention 2015/MediaConvention2015/Bernhard Poerksen- Die fuenfte Gewalt. Die Macht der vernetzten Vielen.mp4

INTENSO#1/re-publica 15 + Media Convention 2015/MediaConvention2015/The IS in us.mp4

INTENSO#1/re-publica 15 + Media Convention 2015/Sanya Smith, Ralf Bendrath, Estelle Masse - Trade Agreements and the Net - FAQ Panel.mp4

INTENSO#1/re-publica 15 + Media Convention 2015/netzpolitik.org- Mit Journalismus für digitale Grundrechte eintreten.mp4

INTENSO#1/re-publica 15 + Media Convention 2015/Sanya Smith- US attacks on data privacy through trade agreements.mp4

INTENSO#1/re-publica 15 + Media Convention 2015/Parker Higgins, Jérémie Zimmermann et al- Disrupting the Surveillance Ecosystem.mp4

INTENSO#1/re-publica 15 + Media Convention 2015/Wolfie Christl- Corporate Surveillance in the Age of Digital Tracking, Big Da....mp4

INTENSO#1/re-publica 15 + Media Convention 2015/Neues Europa, neue Arbeitswelt  -  wie, wann und wo passiert das.mp4

IINTENSO#1/Richard Rhodes in Sophie Co, 7 May 2017.mpeg (transcript)


INTENSO#1/Star Trek TNG/S02E11 Stardate 42609.1 Contagion 1.mp4

INTENSO#1/Star Trek TNG/S02E11 Stardate 42609.1 Contagion 2.mp4

INTENSO#1/Star Trek TNG/S05E23 Stardate 45854.2 Ich_bin_Hugh_(I,Borg).mp4

INTENSO#1/Star Trek TNG/S06E09 Stardate 46307 Quality of Life.2mp4.mp4

INTENSO#1/Star Trek TNG/S07e22 Bloodlines.mp4

INTENSO#1/Star Trek TNG/S07e24 Preemptive Strike.mp4

INTENSO#1/Star Trek TNG/StarTrekTNG_on_YouTube.rtf

INTENSO#1/The American War- The U.S. in Vietnam.mp4

INTENSO#1/the real news network (trnn)(mp4 & mp3)




INTENSO#1/trnn/Larry Wilkerson

INTENSO#1/trnn/Gar Alperovitz



INTENSO#1/trnn/James K. Boyce




INTENSO#1/trnn/Aleksandr Buzgalin






INTENSO#1/trnn/binney.hedges/binneyhedges0109rai pt1_high.mp4

INTENSO#1/trnn/binney.hedges/binneyhedges0109rai pt2_high.mp4


INTENSO#1/trnn/trnn.news - INTENSO#1/trnn/trnn.news/rparry0303ukraine.mp4


INTENSO#1/transmediale 2014

INTENSO#1/transmediale/transmediale 2014 afterglow -- Circumventing the Panopticon.mp4

INTENSO#1/transmediale/transmediale 2014 afterglow -- Uses and Abuses of Big Data.mp4

INTENSO#1/transmediale/transmediale 2014 afterglow keynote -- DoRadical Futures.mp4

INTENSO#1/Udo Ulfkotte - Gekaufte Journalisten.mp4


INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Die Krieger des Computerzeitalters - ARDDoku deutsch 2015.mp4 (@ 1:21:00 mit Binney, Drake & Radack in  Hohenschönhausen, Anfang Juli 2014)



INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Binney/Alex Jones - InfoWars


Alex Jones - InfoWars/William Binney on The Alex Jones Show (8-5-16).mp4


Alex Jones - InfoWars/Whistleblower- NSA Is Backbone Of World Surveillance State.mp4




Alex Jones - InfoWars/Alex Jones Commercial Free - Wednesday (7-27-16) William Binney,Matt Bracken,Roger Stone.3gp.ds


Alex Jones - InfoWars/!_NSA Whistleblower Reveals U.S. Slide into Totalitarianism.mp4


W. Binney, NSA Whistleblower•ExposeFacts.org•News Conference•Washington•June 4th 2014.mp4


acTVism-VIDEO-Exklusiv mit William Binney.mp4 - Info (Okt. 2015)


William Binney- NSA had 911 foreknowledge Covert_Harassment_Conf_2014.mp4 

(transcript in Alexa O'Brian's blog - in cache)


INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Ellsberg/"Terminate With Extreme Prejudice" Daniel Ellsberg Talks About CIA Plot To Assassinate Him.mp4

INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Ellsberg/Ellsberg Explains Reality of US Foreign Policy to Kristol p1.mp4

INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Ellsberg/Exposes the US Government (Pentagon Papers Documentary) pts 1 - 9

INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Ellsberg/How Governments Lie- Daniel Ellsberg Interview - Politics, Watergate & Pentagon Papers (1987).mp4

INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Ellsberg/Nuclear Weapons and Humanity's Future.mp4

INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Ellsberg/WikiLeaks- Julian Assange and Daniel Ellsberg in conversation.mp4

INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Ellsberg/on Snowden, Manning, Government and Whistleblowers.mp4

INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Ellsberg/Secrets - Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers.mp4 (UCSB Arts & Lectures presents "Daniel Ellsberg, Secrets: Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers, October 25, 2002, University of California, Santa Barbara)

INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Ellsberg/Obama should be impeached.mp4

INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Ellsberg/The Nation- The Most Dangerous Man in America.mp4

INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Ellsberg/on the Vietnam & Afghanistan Wars (CSPAN 2009).mp4

INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Ellsberg/The Pentagon Papers Case- Supreme Court Decision, Vietnam War - Daniel Ellsberg (2006).mp4

INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Ellsberg/Talks at Google.mp4

INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Ellsberg/What Top Secret Documents Would Tell Us About ISIS- Ellsberg COMPLETE-exposefacts.mp4

INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Interview with Jacob Appelbaum.mp4


INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/netzpolitik.org/3sat-Kulturzeit- Geheime Straftaeter - Whistleblower unter Anklage.mp4

INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/SILENCED - Whistleblower Documentary w. Thomas Andrew Drake, Jesselyn Raddack + James Spione.mp4


INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Snowden/CITP-LAPA-WWS Special Event- Edward Snowden in Conversation with Bart Gellman.mp4

INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Snowden/David Carr's Final Interview With Edward Snowden Before His Death (Full Length).mp4

INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Snowden/HOPE X- Snowden - Ellsberg -- http---x.hope.net.mp4

INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Snowden/Truth Unveiled Documentary.mp4

INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Snowden/Jagd auf Snowden - John Goetz.mp4

INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Snowden/Glenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden live on Stage at #CGC15.mp4

INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Snowden/Lawrence Lessig Interviews Edward Snowden.mp4 - Sept. 2014

INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Snowden/Julian Assange On The Whistleblower Edward Snowden.mp4

INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Snowden/Debate With Journalist Chris Hedges & Law Scholar Geoffrey Stone.mp4

INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Snowden/Amnesty International hosts Q&A.mp4


INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Snowden/snowden, greenwald, chomsky on acTVism.mp4, 31. Oktober 2016 - Info

INTENSO#1/Whistleblower/Snowden/From Moscow with Love.mp4, 22. September 2016 - Info


(44 MB available)

INTENSO#2/breitband 2010:4

INTENSO#2/breitband 2010:4/carne_ross_2010.mp3

INTENSO#2/breitband 2010:4/NSA-Ausschuss- Exportgut Datenschutz.mp4

INTENSO#2/Climate Change

INTENSO#2/Climate Change/James Hansen_Climate Change a Scientific, Moral and Legal Issue.mp4


INTENSO#2/Eine Maschine veraendert die Welt

INTENSO#2/Eine Maschine veraendert die Welt/Teil 1 - Wie die Computer rechnen lernten.mp4

INTENSO#2/Eine Maschine veraendert die Welt/Teil 2 - Die Computer-Industrie entsteht.mp4

INTENSO#2/Eine Maschine veraendert die Welt/Teil 3 - Computer fuer alle.mp4

INTENSO#2/Eine Maschine veraendert die Welt/Teil 4 - Kuenstliche Intelligenz.mp4


INTENSO#2/Filme/Awakenings_complete - YouTube.flv (Oliver Sachs, 1990)

INTENSO#2/Filme/Bloomberg Game Changers - Sergey Brin & Larry Page Google Full Story.mp4 (2012)

INTENSO#2/Filme/Comandante (2.mp4 - 12.mp4) (Oliver Stone, 2003)

INTENSO#2/Filme/Der_Preis (1.mp4 - 6.mp4) (Thomas Fantl, 1977)

INTENSO#2/Filme/Des Teufels General.mp4 (Carl Zuckmayer, Helmut Käutner,1955)


INTENSO#2/Filme/E=mc2/E=mc2 - Einsteins Big Idea.mp4 (Gary Johnstone, 2005)

INTENSO#2/Filme/E=mc2/Einsteins Big Idea 1of2.mp4

INTENSO#2/Filme/E=mc2/Einsteins Big idea 2of2.mp4

INTENSO#2/Filme/PARIS BLUES (1961) (1.mp4 - 7.mp4) (Martin Ritt, 1961)

INTENSO#2/Filme/Stranger than Paradise.mp4 (Jim Jarmusch, 1984)

INTENSO#2/Filme/The Flight of the Phoenix.mp4 (Robert Aldrich, 1966)

INTENSO#2/Filme/The Right Stuff (Beginning.mp4 - End.mp4) (Tom Wolffe, Philip Kaufman, 1983)


INTENSO#2/Gerald Edelman

INTENSO#2/Gerald Edelman/reentrant_signaling.mp4 (2006)

INTENSO#2/Gerald Edelman/From Brain Dynamics to Consciousness: A Prelude to the Future of Brain-Based Devices.mp4 (Lecture 1 of 12 of IBM Research's Almaden Institute Conference on Cognitive Computing, June 2006)

INTENSO#2/Gerald Edelman/neuron_group_formation.mov (2006)

INTENSO#2/Gerald Edelman/History of Neurosciences Institute.mp4

INTENSO#2/Gerald Edelman/From Brain Synamics to Consciousness - How Matter Becomes Imagination.mp4 (UCLA, 2005)

INTENSO#2/Gerald Edelman/WebofStories (2005)

INTENSO#2/Gerald Edelman/WebofStories/4.39_neuro_darw-3.mp3

INTENSO#2/Gerald Edelman/WebofStories/4.42_anosagnosia.mp3

INTENSO#2/Gerald Edelman/WebofStories/4.38_neuro_darw-2.mp3

INTENSO#2/Gerald Edelman/WebofStories/4.37_neuro_darw-1.mp3

INTENSO#2/Gerald Edelman/WebofStories/4.41_brain_adjusts_neurodarwinism.mp3

INTENSO#2/Gerald Edelman/WebofStories/4.40_reentry+synchrony.mp3



INTENSO#2/IT/31C3/State of the Onion-Tor Talk.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/31C3/From Computation to Consciousness.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/31C3/Jacob Appelbaum- Reconstructing narratives - transparency in the service of justice.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/31C3/Thunderstrike- EFI bootkits for Apple MacBooks.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/31C3/Jahresrückblick des CCC 2014.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/31C3/Serenität  -  Anleitung zum Glücklichsein.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/31C3/Krypto für die Zukunft von Ruediger Weis.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/31C3/Global Civil Society Under Attack.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/31C3/Trackography - You never read alone.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/31C3/Freedom in your computer and in the net - Richard Stallman.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/31C3/SCADA StrangeLove- Too Smart Grid in da Cloud.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/31C3/Traue keinem Scan, den du nicht selbst gefälscht hast von David Kriesel.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/31C3/Karsten Nohl- Mobile self-defense (SnoopSnitch).mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/31C3/Tor- Hidden Services and Deanonymisation.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/31C3/The Cloud Conspiracy 2008-2014.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/31C3/Locate. Track. Manipulate by Tobias Engel (SnoopSnitch).mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/31C3/From Maxwell to antenna arrays.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/31C3/Doing right by sources done right by Sarah Harrison.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/31C3/The Invisible Committee Returns with "Fuck Off Google".mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/31C3/Starbug- Ich sehe, also bin ich ... Du.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/31C3/Nachrichtendienstliche Zugriffe auf Telekommunikation und IKT-Strukuren und ihre Implikationen.mp4Hope X     


INTENSO#2/IT/Dokus/Cyberkrieg - Angriff aus dem Netz (Bestor Cram, Mike Majoros, Weapons of Mass Disruptions, 2011).mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Dokus/Schlachtfeld Internet (Svea Eckert (ihr Kommentar, Alexandra Ringling, 2015).mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Dokus/NSA-Programm Quantumtheory- Wie der US-Geheimdienst weltweit Rechner knackt.mp4


INTENSO#2/IT/Dokus/Satellite-Internet- Chokepoint.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Dokus/Krieg der Daten-Ueberwachung total.m4v

INTENSO#2/IT/Dokus/Verschwoerung gegen die Freiheit (ZDF) (1.mp4 - 2.mp4)

INTENSO#2/IT/Fachgespraech im Ausschuss fuer Digitale Agenda Ueber Netzneutralitaet und Spezialdienste.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/FifF-Kon 2014

INTENSO#2/IT/FifF-Kon 2014/FRieger-Was tun?.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/FifF-Kon 2014/Matthias Baecker - Strategische Telekommunikationsüberwachung auf dem Pruefstand.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/FifF-Kon 2014/Constanze Kurz - Snooping and Bugging.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/FifF-Kon 2014/Das trojanische Pferd 'Terrorismus'.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/FifF-Kon 2014/PSchaar-Datenschutzkontrolle bei Sicherheitsbehoerden.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/FifF-Kon 2014/Strategische Telekommunikationsüberwachung auf dem Prüfstand.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/FifF-Kon 2014/NSA, IT-Sicherheit und die Folgen.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/FifF-Kon 2014/Wolfgang Coy - Warnen, taeuschen, tarnen.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/FifF-Kon 2014/Andy Mueller Maguhn - Nachrichtendienstliche Zugriffe auf Telekommunikation und IKT-Strukuren und ihre Implikationen.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Tim Jordan @Sophie&Co_RT.mp4


INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/Edward Snowden/

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/Edward Snowden/E.Snowden "I Was Trained As A Spy" (2014).mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/Edward Snowden/E.Snowden blames US for stranding him.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/Edward Snowden/Jagd auf Snowden -Terminal F

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/Edward Snowden/Jagd auf Snowden -Terminal F/DOCUMENTARY- Edward Snowden - Terminal F (2015).mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/Edward Snowden/Jagd auf Snowden -Terminal F/ARD "Jagd auf Snowden - Wie der Staatsfeind die USA blamierte" - 12.1.2015.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/Edward Snowden/Lawrence Lessig Interviews Edward Snowden (2014).mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/Edward Snowden/Snowden's first live- 'Constitution being violated on massive scale' (2014).mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/Edward Snowden/WikiLeaks Editor Sarah Harrison on Helping Edward Snowden, Being Forced to Live in Exile (Jul 2014).mp4


INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/HOPE X- Snowden - Ellsberg -- http---x.hope.net.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/E.Snowden blames US for stranding him.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/E.Snowden "I Was Trained As A Spy".mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/ChrisSogoyan's&Snowden's first live- 'Constitution being violated on massive scale' (FULL VIDEO).mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/J.Appelbaum in Ecuador On Espionage, Spying, Assange & Snowden.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/J.Appelbaum@Digitale Gesellschaft Jun 25, 2013.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/Julian Assange's World of Tomorrow

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/Julian Assange's World of Tomorrow/#5-Surviving Guantanamo.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/Julian Assange's World of Tomorrow/#4- Nabeel Rajab & Alaa A. El-Fattah.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/Julian Assange's World of Tomorrow/#12- Anwar Ibrahim.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/Julian Assange's World of Tomorrow/#11- Corruption & Islamophobia.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/Julian Assange's World of Tomorrow/#8- Cypherpunks#1.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/Julian Assange's World of Tomorrow/#10- Noam Chomsky & Tariq Ali.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/Julian Assange's World of Tomorrow/Cypherpunks#2.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/Julian Assange's World of Tomorrow/#3- Moncef Marzouki.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/Julian Assange's World of Tomorrow/#9- Imran Khan.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/Julian Assange's World of Tomorrow/#6- Assange & Ecuador's Pres. Correa.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/L.Poitras & J. Appelbaum 7-16 Nov.2014 - Leffest'14.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/The Moment of Truth- Glenn Grenwald, Kim Dotcom, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange.mov

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/WikiLeaks Editor Sarah Harrison on Helping Edward Snowden, Being Forced to Live in Exile.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/NSA Whistleblower - Jesselyn Radack & Thomas Drake | London Real.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/Lawrence Lessig Interviews Edward Snowden.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/The Logan Symposium 2014, Julian Assange's speech.mp4

INTENSO#2/IT/Whistleblower/Kiriakou Portrait Unveiling @ Busboys & Poets.mp4


INTENSO#2/Kunst/After, Première étape de travail. Chorégraphie, Johanna Levy.mp4

INTENSO#2/Kunst/Angela Richter

INTENSO#2/Kunst/Angela Richter/monopol_richter_1013_essay.pdf

INTENSO#2/Kunst/Angela Richter/d.day | A conversation with Jacob Appelbaum and Angela Richter.mp4

INTENSO#2/Kunst/Angela Richter/Netzkultur- Einspruch_Freundschaft_zwischen_Avantgarde_und_Nerdtum_Netzkultur.pdf

INTENSO#2/Kunst/Angela Richter/Netzkultur- Einspruch! Freundschaft zwischen Avantgarde und Nerdtum.mp4

INTENSO#2/Kunst/Angela Richter/Im Gespraech mit Julian Assange und Angela Richter | WDR.mp4

INTENSO#2/Kunst/Angela Richter/Assassinate_Assange.mp4

INTENSO#2/Kunst/Angela Richter/AA-Vienna-Berlin-Trailer.mp4

INTENSO#2/Kunst/Angela Richter/SuperNerds

INTENSO#2/Kunst/Angela Richter/SuperNerds/2von3.mov

INTENSO#2/Kunst/Angela Richter/SuperNerds/audioOnly.mov

INTENSO#2/Kunst/Angela Richter/SuperNerds/3von3.mov

INTENSO#2/Kunst/Angela Richter/SuperNerds/Supernerds Ein Ueberwachungsabend 28.05.2015.mp4

INTENSO#2/Kunst/Angela Richter/SuperNerds/1von3.mov

INTENSO#2/Kunst/Jutta Hipp (.mp3)

INTENSO#2/Kunst/Jutta Hipp/NDR_Info__20_28_Uhr_NDR_Info_01.mp3

INTENSO#2/Kunst/Jutta Hipp/Jutta_Hipp.mp3


INTENSO#2/Kunst/Oper/Cavalleria Rusticana + Pagliacci (Kaufmann-Salzburg 2015).mp4

INTENSO#2/Kunst/Schach von Wuthenow (1.mov)

INTENSO#2/Kunst/Star Trek The Next Generation S06E09.mp4




INTENSO#2/Russland/Gorbachev/America wanted to rule the world but lost its way RT  - SophieCo-10August2015.mp4

INTENSO#2/Russland/Gorbachev/West and Russia must defrost relations before it is too late. Talks are vital, but ne.mp4



INTENSO#2/Russland/Helmut Schmidt zur Weltlage - "Wir Schlafwandler".mp4


INTENSO#2/Russland/Putin/Russlands Praesident Putin exklusiv im ARD Interview | Guenther Jauch | NDR.mp4

INTENSO#2/Russland/Putin/Zum ARD-Interview und die Valdai-Rede (19.11.14).mp4

INTENSO#2/Russland/Putin/Valdai Rede 2014 (deutsch vertont + deutsche Untertitel).mp4

INTENSO#2/Russland/Ray McGovern

INTENSO#2/Russland/Ray McGovern/Ex CIA Offizier- Das sind die wahren Schuldigen am Ukraine Krieg (21.9.14).mp4

INTENSO#2/Russland/Ray McGovern/On The Ukraine Crisis And The CIA.mp4

INTENSO#2/Russland/Ray McGovern/Retired CIA analyst Ray McGovern- The truth about Ukraine and being arrested for asking questions.mp4

INTENSO#2/Russland/Ray McGovern/Who Is Provoking the Unrest in Ukraine? A Debate on Role of Russia, United States in Regional Crisis.mp4 (Part 1, Part 2)

INTENSO#2/Russland/Ray McGovern/The Real Agenda of the American Empire Part 1.mp3

INTENSO#2/Russland/Ray McGovern/The Real Agenda of the American Empire Part 2.mp3

INTENSO#2/Shock and Awe - Story of Electricity

INTENSO#2/Shock and Awe - Story of Electricity/02 - Age of Invention (Part 2 of 3).mp4

INTENSO#2/Shock and Awe - Story of Electricity/03-Revelations and Revolutions.mp4

INTENSO#2/Shock and Awe - Story of Electricity/01 - Spark.mp4

INTENSO#2/Thor Heyerdahl

INTENSO#2/Thor Heyerdahl/The Tangaroa Expedition (The Kon-Tiki Expedition) 2012 Documentary.mp4

INTENSO#2/Thor Heyerdahl/Thor Heyerdahl Kon-Tiki 1947 English.mp4


INTENSO#2/Ranga Yogeshwar in Fukushima (ARD, 03.11.2014, 22-45).mp4

INTENSO#2/Gernot_Zippe (2003).flv (Erfinder der Ultrazentrifuge)

INTENSO#2/nuclear/Britains Nuclear Secrets - Inside Sellafield.mp4

INTENSO#2/nuclear/tschernobyl - die jahrhundertbaustelle (Daniel Baar & Matthias Hambach).mp4

INTENSO#2/WBGU-2011 (Vorträge)












(151 MB available)



INTENSO#3/Arts/Niki de Saint Phalle- Wer ist das Monster - Du oder ich? (Doku).mp4


INTENSO#3/Arts/LIDO - Picasso - Sein Erbe Doku (2014).mp4

INTENSO#3/Complex_Adaptive Systems

INTENSO#3/Complex_Adaptive Systems/Bettencourt

INTENSO#3/Complex_Adaptive Systems/Bettencourt/Cities as complex adaptative systems. Luis Bettencourt.mp4

INTENSO#3/Complex_Adaptive Systems/Bettencourt/Does the Individual Matter in Complex Systems by Luis MA Bettencourt (Part 9 of 13).mp4

INTENSO#3/Complex_Adaptive Systems/Ecosystems and Socioeconomic Systems as Complex Adaptive Systems.mp4

INTENSO#3/Complex_Adaptive Systems/Global Brain Institute

INTENSO#3/Complex_Adaptive Systems/Global Brain Institute/Viktoras Veitas- ChallProp- an agent-based modelling framework for simulating the Global Brain.mp4

INTENSO#3/Egon Bahr (Diplomat) - Wandel durch Annaeherung.mov (auch auf INTENSO#8)


INTENSO#3/Freeman Dyson-A glorious accident.mp4


INTENSO#3/IT/Media Convention 2015

INTENSO#3/IT/Media Convention 2015/Die Vermessung der Medienwelt.mp4

INTENSO#3/IT/Media Convention 2015/Geteiltes Leid ist halbes Leid?.mp4

INTENSO#3/IT/Media Convention 2015/Hoax-Kampagnen- Opium fürs Emp√∂rungsvolk.mp4


INTENSO#3/IT/Philip_Banse/re-publica 2015- Podcasts.mp4

INTENSO#3/IT/Philip_Banse/re-publica 2011 - Philip Banse - Blogger_innen im Gespräch.mp4

INTENSO#3/IT/Philip_Banse/#rp14 Philip Banse- Annalee Newitz.mp4

INTENSO#3/Julius & Ethel Rosenberg

INTENSO#3/Julius & Ethel Rosenberg/Philip Morrison on Rosenbergs.mp4

INTENSO#3/Julius & Ethel Rosenberg/Daniel_1of2-DVD.img

INTENSO#3/Julius & Ethel Rosenberg/Daniel_2of2-DVD.img

INTENSO#3/Julius & Ethel Rosenberg/Screen shot 2015-05-24 at 15.42.17.png

INTENSO#3/Julius & Ethel Rosenberg/Screen shot 2015-05-24 at 14.05.02.png

INTENSO#3/Julius & Ethel Rosenberg/Rosenbergs Unquiet Death

INTENSO#3/Julius & Ethel Rosenberg/Rosenbergs Unquiet Death/Unquiet_Death#2.mp4

INTENSO#3/Julius & Ethel Rosenberg/Rosenbergs Unquiet Death/Unquiet_Death#1.mp4

INTENSO#3/Julius & Ethel Rosenberg/Son of J&E Rosenberg

INTENSO#3/Julius & Ethel Rosenberg/Son of J&E Rosenberg/Why We Must Fight to Protect WikiLeaks and Julian Assange 1 of 2.mp4

INTENSO#3/Julius & Ethel Rosenberg/Son of J&E Rosenberg/Why We Must Fight to Protect WikiLeaks and Julian Assange 2 of 2.mp4


INTENSO#3/ntucomplexity/Complex Systems Theory by Sander van der Leeuw (Part 3 of 13).mp4

INTENSO#3/ntucomplexity/Complexity in the Brain Stan Gielen (Part 6 of 13).mp4

INTENSO#3/ntucomplexity/Practical Application of Complexity Theory by Petter Braathen (Part 9 of 15).mp4

INTENSO#3/ntucomplexity/The Economy by W. Brian Arthur (Part 11 of 13).mp4

INTENSO#3/ntucomplexity/Complexity and Transdisciplinarity by Geoffrey West (Part 2 of 13).mp4

INTENSO#3/ntucomplexity/Network Science by Albert Laszlo Barabasi (Part 4 of 13).mp4

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Vladimir Posner-Oliver Stone Interview.mp3

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Secret History of the JFK Assassination- Conspiracy Theories - Oliver Stone (2013).mp4

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Oliver_Stones_US-Geschichte

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Oliver_Stones_US-Geschichte/deutsche Version

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Oliver_Stones_US-Geschichte/deutsche Version/1952-1954_#5.1.m4v

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Oliver_Stones_US-Geschichte/deutsche Version/1954-1957_#5.2.m4v

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Oliver_Stones_US-Geschichte/deutsche Version/1957-1960_#5.3.m4v

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Oliver_Stones_US-Geschichte/deutsche Version/1960-1962_#5.4.m4v

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Oliver_Stones_US-Geschichte/deutsche Version/1962-1964_#6.m4v

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Oliver_Stones_US-Geschichte/deutsche Version/1963-1975_#7.m4v

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Oliver_Stones_US-Geschichte/deutsche Version/1970s-1980s_#8.m4v

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Oliver_Stones_US-Geschichte/deutsche Version/1980-2001_#9.m4v

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Oliver_Stones_US-Geschichte/index.html

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Oliver_Stones_US-Geschichte/Oliver Stone's The Untold History of the US

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Oliver_Stones_US-Geschichte/Oliver Stone's Untold History of the US/Teil 4 - The Cold War - 1945-1950.mp4

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Oliver_Stones_US-Geschichte/Oliver Stone's Untold History of the US/Teil 10 - Bush & Obama- Age of Terror.mp4

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Oliver_Stones_US-Geschichte/Oliver Stone's Untold History of the US/Teil 8 - Reagan, Gorbachev.mp4

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Oliver_Stones_US-Geschichte/Oliver Stone's Untold History of the US/Teil 3 - Truman and the Bomb.mp4

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Oliver_Stones_US-Geschichte/Oliver Stone's Untold History of the US/JFK and the Untold History of Oliver Stone.mp4

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Oliver_Stones_US-Geschichte/Oliver Stone's Untold History of the US/Teil 7 - Johnson, Nixon - Reversal of Fortune.mp4

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Oliver_Stones_US-Geschichte/Oliver Stone's Untold History of the US/Teil 7 - Johnson, Nixon, Vietnam.mp4

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Oliver_Stones_US-Geschichte/Oliver Stone's Untold History of the US/Q&A@DOC NYC 2013.mp4

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Oliver_Stones_US-Geschichte/Oliver Stone's Untold History of the US/Teil 2 - Roosevelt, Truman, Wallace.mp4

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Oliver_Stones_US-Geschichte/Oliver Stone's Untold History of the US/Teil 5 - Eisenhower - The Fifities.mp4

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Oliver_Stones_US-Geschichte/Oliver Stone's Untold History of the US/Teil 9 - Bush and Clinton.mp4

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Secret History of the JFK Assassination- Conspiracy Theories - Oliver Stone (2013).mp4

INTENSO#3/Oliver Stone/Vladimir Posner-Oliver Stone Interview.mp3

INTENSO#3/Physics - Climate

INTENSO#3/Physics - Climate/Pre-Briefing 20. VN-Klimakonferenz - Ottmar Edenhofer, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.mp4

INTENSO#3/Physics - Climate/Perspektiven für die Klimaforschung 2015 bis 2025.mp4

INTENSO#3/Robert Harris - Intrige (1-01.mp3 - 6-08.mp3)

INTENSO#3/Schach von Wuthenow (01.mp3 - 12.mp3)

INTENSO#3/Star Trek

INTENSO#3/Star Trek/S06E19 Lessons.mp4

INTENSO#3/Star Trek/S01E26 The Neutral Zone.mp4

INTENSO#3/Star Trek/s07e13 Homeward.mp4

INTENSO#3/Star Trek/S06E04 Relics.mp4

INTENSO#3/Star Trek/s04e25 SD44885.5 The Mind's Eye.mp4

INTENSO#3/Star Trek/S06E09 The Quality of Life.mp4

INTENSO#3/Star Trek/S06E13 Aquiel.mp4 (engl.)

INTENSO#3/Star Trek/S06E18 Starship Mine.mp4

INTENSO#3/Star Trek/S06E14 Face of the Enemy.mp4

INTENSO#3/Star Trek/S06E23 Rightful Heir.mp4

INTENSO#3/Star Trek/S07E09 Force of Nature.mp4

INTENSO#3/Star Trek/s07e18 Eye Of The Beholder.mp4

INTENSO#3/Star Trek/S06E20 The Chase.mp4

INTENSO#3/Star Trek/S06E21 Frame of Mind.mp4

INTENSO#3/Star Trek/S06E26 Descent.mp4

INTENSO#3/Star Trek/s07e25 All Good Things.mp4

INTENSO#3/Star Trek/s04e12 The Wounded.mp4

INTENSO#3/Star Trek/s07e17 Masks.mp4

INTENSO#3/Star Trek/S06E17 Birthright, Part II.mp4


INTENSO#3/Surveillance/netzpolitik.org- Demonstration für Pressefreiheit Berlin am 1.8.2015.mp4

INTENSO#3/Surveillance/Alexander Sander- Neues zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung (NPA 039.1).mp4

INTENSO#3/Surveillance/Die NSA und ich- Warum die Total-√úberwachung uns alle betrifft.mp4

INTENSO#3/Surveillance/CPDP2014- Democracy, Surveillance And Intelligence Agencies..mp4

INTENSO#3/Surveillance/Recht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung? Datenschutz im Zeitalter von NSA und anderen Diensten.mp4

INTENSO#3/Surveillance/RT-Americas Surveillance State

INTENSO#3/Surveillance/RT-Americas Surveillance State/6 (The Future).mp4

INTENSO#3/Surveillance/RT-Americas Surveillance State/5 (Insider Threats).mp4

INTENSO#3/Surveillance/RT-Americas Surveillance State/3 (Rise of The Press).mp4

INTENSO#3/Surveillance/RT-Americas Surveillance State/4 (The Surveillance Industrial Complex).mp4

INTENSO#3/Surveillance/RT-Americas Surveillance State/1 (The Surveillance Machine).mp4

INTENSO#3/Surveillance/RT-Americas Surveillance State/2 (Inside The NSA- How Do They Spy?).mp4

INTENSO#3/Surveillance/Totale Kontrolle (ARTE Doku).mp4


INTENSO#3/Whistleblower#2/Ideas at the House - TheWarOnWhistleblowers&theirPublishers-2013.flv

INTENSO#3/Whistleblower#2/SILENCED - Whistleblower Documentary w. Thomas Andrew Drake, Jesselyn Raddack + James Spione.mp4

INTENSO#3/Whistleblower#2/Schweig, Verraeter! John-Kiriakou-Doku Arte (deutsch) 2014 NSA Geheimdienste Whistleblower.mp4

INTENSO#3/Whistleblower#2/The Logan Symposium 2014, Julian Assange's speech..mp4


INTENSO#3/Whistleblower#2/trnn_John_Kiriakou_2015/0610-A-Sea-of-Blood.mp4 (6 of 10, 911#2 (negligence or purpose?)

INTENSO#3/Whistleblower#2/trnn_John_Kiriakou_2015/0710-Iraq-War-a-War-Crime---Pushed-by-Cheney-Over-Objections-of-Joint-Chiefs.mp4 (7 of 10)

INTENSO#3/Whistleblower#2/trnn_John_Kiriakou_2015/0210-How-I-Joined-the-CIA.mp4 (2 of 10)

INTENSO#3/Whistleblower#2/trnn_John_Kiriakou_2015/0910-Why-I-Was-Targeted-by-the-CIA.mp4 (9 of 10)

INTENSO#3/Whistleblower#2/trnn_John_Kiriakou_2015/1010-They-Wont-Shut-Me-Up.mp4 (10 of 10)

INTENSO#3/Whistleblower#2/trnn_John_Kiriakou_2015/0810-A-Tortured-Truth.mp4 (8 of 10)

INTENSO#3/Whistleblower#2/trnn_John_Kiriakou_2015/0110-I-Believed-America-Could-Do-No-Wrong.mp4 (1 of 10)

INTENSO#3/Whistleblower#2/trnn_John_Kiriakou_2015/0310-My-Reports-on-1995-Human-Rights-Abuses-Were-Ignored-by-State-Department.mp4 (3 of 10)

INTENSO#3/Whistleblower#2/trnn_John_Kiriakou_2015/0510-Why-Didnt-BushCheney-Prevent-9/11.mp4 (5 of 10) 911#1

INTENSO#3/Whistleblower#2/trnn_John_Kiriakou_2015/0410-The-Iraqi-Pissing-Match.mp4 (4 of 10) 

INTENSO#3/Whistleblower#2/trnn_Thomas-Drake-on-RAI From-911-to-Mass-Surveillance The-Man-Who-Knew-Too-Much-2015 (trnn#1 - 5).mp4 (details)

INTENSO#3/Whistleblower#2/William Binney

INTENSO#3/Whistleblower#2/William Binney/A Good American (2016) - Premiere Interview with William Binney (KIZ Graz, AT).mp4 (schlechte Aufnahme)

INTENSO#3/Whistleblower#2/William Binney/Ending Mass Surveillance In Our Lifetime - William Binney.mp4


(11.6 GB available)


INTENSO#4/32C3/Crypto ist Abwehr, IFG ist Angriff!.mp4

INTENSO#4/32C3/Sin in the time of Technology.mp4

INTENSO#4/32C3/Microsofts Windows 10 Botnet.mp4

INTENSO#4/32C3/Predicting Crime in a Big Data World.mp4

INTENSO#4/32C3/nochC3TV - Wie man einen Blackout verursacht.mp4

INTENSO#4/32C3/Top X_ usability obstacles.mp4

INTENSO#4/32C3/Security Nightmares 0x10.mp4

INTENSO#4/32C3/Katastrophe und Kommunikation.mp4

INTENSO#4/32C3/The Magic World of Searchable Symmetric Encryption.mp4

INTENSO#4/32C3/Breaking Honeypots for Fun and Profit.mp4

INTENSO#4/32C3/Closing Event.mp4

INTENSO#4/32C3/nochC3TV - When  algorithms fail in our personal lives.mp4

INTENSO#4/32C3/How Open Source Software, second hand laptops and hackers helped stop Ebola (and stopped an a.mp4

INTENSO#4/32C3/Thomas Lohninger, Werner Reiter_ Oesterreich_ Der Kampf gegen unkontrollierte Massenüberwachung.mp4

INTENSO#4/32C3/DDoS mitigation EPIC FAIL collection.mp4

INTENSO#4/32C3/Replication Prohibited.mp4

INTENSO#4/32C3/Wireless Drivers_ Freedom considered harmful_.mp4

INTENSO#4/32C3/Compileroptimierungen für Forth im Microcontroller.mp4

INTENSO#4/32C3/How Open Source Software, second hand laptops and hackers helped stop Ebola (and stopped an a(1).mp4

INTENSO#4/32C3/Check your privileges!.mp4

INTENSO#4/32C3/Crypto Wars Part II.mp4

INTENSO#4/32C3/Collect It All_ Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) for Everyone.mp4

INTENSO#4/32C3/How to contribute to make open hardware happen.mp4

INTENSO#4/32C3/Lightning Talks Day 4.mp4

INTENSO#4/32C3/Building and Breaking Wireless Security.mp4

INTENSO#4/32C3/How to contribute to make open hardware happen(1).mp4

INTENSO#4/Gregory Jaczko

INTENSO#4/Gregory Jaczko/Naoto Kan - Fukushima Lessons for CA - Excerpt 1.mp4

INTENSO#4/Gregory Jaczko/Fukushima- Ongoing Lessons for New York - Dr. Gregory Jaczko.mp4

INTENSO#4/Gregory Jaczko/The Ongoing Fukushima Daiichi Crisis - Pt. 2 - Torgen Johnson.mp4

INTENSO#4/Gregory Jaczko/NPC Luncheon with Gregory Jaczko.mp4

INTENSO#4/Gregory Jaczko/Gregory Jaczko - Fukushima Lessons for CA - Excerpt 2.mp4

INTENSO#4/Gregory Jaczko/Gregory Jaczko - Risk, Reality and the Future of Nuclear Power.mp4

INTENSO#4/Gregory Jaczko/Nuclear Regulation in Our Era.mp4

INTENSO#4/Gregory Jaczko/The Past, Present and Future of Nuclear Power- A Regulator's Perspective.mp4

INTENSO#4/Gregory Jaczko/The Ongoing Fukushima Daiichi Crisis - Pt. 1 - Gregory Jaczko.mp4

INTENSO#4/Gregory Jaczko/Jaczko, Johnson and Tsutsui- -The Ongoing Fukushima Daiichi Crisis.mp4

INTENSO#4/Gregory Jaczko/Nuclear Waste and the Race for Resources - 11.06.2011.mp4

INTENSO#4/Gregory Jaczko/What CA Can Learn from Fukushima - Pt. 2 - Gregory Jaczko.mp4

INTENSO#4/Gregory Jaczko/Fukushima -No More Nuclear- says Former NRC Chairman Jaczko Update 9-25-13.mp4

INTENSO#4/Gregory Jaczko/Former NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko- Fukushima's Lessons.mp4

INTENSO#4/Gregory Jaczko/Fukushima- Lessons For The World Pt. 2 of 5.mp4

INTENSO#4/Gregory Jaczko/The FY2012 Department of Energy and Nuclear Regulatory Commission Budgets (Part 2 of 2).mp4

INTENSO#4/Tschernobyl - Die Jahrhundertbaustelle (Daniel Baar & Matthias Hambach).mp4

INTENSO#4/Britains Nuclear Secrets - Inside Sellafield.mp4 with Jim Al-Khalili (available also here)

INTENSO#4/Snowden on FBI's plea to unlock terrorist's iPhone- ‘It's Horsesh*t'.mp3

INTENSO#4/William Binney

INTENSO#4/William Binney/William Binney, NSA Whistleblower•ExposeFacts.org•News Conference•Washington•June 4th 2014.mp4 (also on INTENSO#1)

INTENSO#4/William Binney/NSA Whistleblower William Binney the 3 words that will put you on the NSA List.mp4

INTENSO#4/William Binney/CPH-DOX 2015 Q&A A Good American.mp4

INTENSO#4/William Binney/Laura_Poitras_NSA Whistle-Blower Tells All: The Program | Op-Docs | The New York Times.mp4 (film director: Laura Poitras) - transcript of parts

INTENSO#4/William Binney/William Binney HOPE 9 KEYNOTE.mp4

INTENSO#4/William Binney/NSA Whistleblower William Binney- The Future of FREEDOM.mp4  (notes) This video is also on LX8 and INTENSO#7

INTENSO#4/William Binney/A Good American (2016) - Premiere Interview with William Binney (KIZ Graz, AT).mp4 (also on INTENSO#3)

INTENSO#4/William Binney/!_Alex_Jones_Top Whistle Blower William Binney- Fake Cell Towers Will Be Used To Track American Citizens..mp4

INTENSO#4/William Binney/Special Keynote William Binney 2014.mp4

INTENSO#4/William Binney/Top Whistle Blower William Binney- Fake Cell Towers Will Be Used To Track American Citizens..mp4

INTENSO#4/William Binney/Edward Snowden, v 1.0: NSA Whistleblower William Binney Tells All.mp4 (Reason.TV - April 17, 2014) (transcript)

INTENSO#4/William Binney/William Binney - The Government is Profiling You (The NSA is Spying on You).mp4

INTENSO#4/William_Binney/Intelligence Assessment with Kevin Shipp Whistleblowers Roundtable with Bill Binney & John Kiriakou.mp4


(210 MB available)


INTENSO#5/32c3/Gibberish Detection 102.mp4

INTENSO#5/32c3/The Price Of Dissent.mp4


INTENSO#5/32c3/Media Coverage and the Public in the Surveillance Society.mp4

INTENSO#5/32c3/Hacker Jeopardy.mp4

INTENSO#5/32c3/libusb_ Maintainer fail.mp4

INTENSO#5/32c3/De-anonymizing Programmers.mp4

INTENSO#5/32c3/Lightning Talks Day 3.mp4

INTENSO#5/32c3/Internet Cube.mp4

INTENSO#5/32c3/Free Software and Hardware bring National Sovereignty.mp4


INTENSO#5/32c3/Vehicle2Vehicle Communication based on IEEE 802.11p.mp4

INTENSO#5/32c3/Neither Snow Nor Rain Nor MITM ... The State of Email Security in 2015.mp4

INTENSO#5/32c3/State of the Onion.mp4

INTENSO#5/32c3/On Computing Numbers, with an Application to Problems of our Society.mp4

INTENSO#5/32c3/Grundrechte gelten nicht im Weltall!.mp4

INTENSO#5/32c3/The plain simple reality of entropy.mp4

INTENSO#5/32c3/Say hi to your new boss_ How algorithms might soon control our lives..mp4

INTENSO#5/32c3/the possibility of an army.mp4

INTENSO#5/32c3/Trust us and our business will expand!.mp4

INTENSO#5/32c3/Reversing UEFI by execution.mp4

INTENSO#5/32c3/Safe Harbor.mp4

INTENSO#5/32c3/Maritime Robotics.mp4

INTENSO#5/32c3/Graphs, Drones & Phones.mp4

INTENSO#5/32c3/Prediction and Control.mp4


INTENSO#5/Assange/WikiLeaks- Julian Assange and Daniel Ellsberg in conversation.mp4

INTENSO#5/Assange/Assange on the Untold Story of the Grounding of Evo Morales' Plane During Edward Snowden Manhunt.mp4


(507 MB available)

INTENSO#6/A World of Ideas with Bill Moyers/

INTENSO#6/A World of Ideas with Bill Moyers/Cornel West.mp4

INTENSO#6/A World of Ideas with Bill Moyers/Isaac Asimov.mp4

INTENSO#6/A World of Ideas with Bill Moyers/Noam Chomsky on Dissent (1988).mp4

INTENSO#6/A World of Ideas with Bill Moyers/Tu Wei-ming A Confucian Life in America part 1 of 3 Harvard.mp4

INTENSO#6/A World of Ideas with Bill Moyers/Tu Wei-ming A Confucian Life in America part 2 of 3 Harvard.mp4

INTENSO#6/A World of Ideas with Bill Moyers/Tu Wei-ming A Confucian Life in America part 3 of 3 Harvard.mp4


INTENSO#6/Anja&LilithsAdventskalender_2017/lilith drawings Slideshow-Display.m4v (auch in iTunes)

INTENSO#6/Anja&LilithsAdventskalender_2017/Lilith_2017 Slideshow-Display.m4v (auch in iTunes)



INTENSO#6/arts/loopdiver/Loop Diver (excerpt 2007).mp4

INTENSO#6/arts/loopdiver/loopdiver 3LD (2007).mp4

INTENSO#6/arts/loopdiver/loopdiver creation 2, Berlin 2009.mp4

INTENSO#6/arts/loopdiver/loopdiver creation- base material, Berlin 2009.mp4

INTENSO#6/arts/loopdiver/loopdiver creation, Berlin 2009.mp4

INTENSO#6/arts/loopdiver/loopdiver premiere, Lied Center 2009 (excerpt).mp4

INTENSO#6/Conversations with History

INTENSO#6/Conversations with History/Conversations with History  Linus Pauling.mp4 (18. Januar 1983, Pauling wurde am 28.2.1901 geboren)

INTENSO#6/Daniel Ellsberg/

INTENSO#6/Daniel Ellsberg/Startling Revelations About the U.S.- The Secret History of the Pentagon Papers.mp4

INTENSO#6/Daniel Ellsberg/@Loud&Clear_25.Jan.2018.mov (about his "The Doomesday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner")


INTENSO#6/Edward_Snowden/Edward Snowden Interview on Apple vs. FBI, Privacy, the NSA, and More.3gp

INTENSO#6/Edward_Snowden/Edward Snowden, NSA and GCHQ - Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger questioned - Truthloader.mp4

INTENSO#6/Edward_Snowden/The Virtual Interview- Edward Snowden - The New Yorker Festival.mp4

INTENSO#6/Edward_Snowden/America's Surveillance State (Full, Pt. 1-6).mp4


INTENSO#6/Films/Albert Einstein How I See The World PBS American Masters Documentary.mp4


INTENSO#6/Films/Breaking the Code: Biography of Alan Turing (Derek Jacobi, BBC, 1996).mp4

INTENSO#6/Films/Christoph Kolumbus oder die Entdeckung Amerikas 1969

INTENSO#6/Films/Christoph Kolumbus oder die Entdeckung Amerikas 1969/Teil 1 von 2.mp4

INTENSO#6/Films/Christoph Kolumbus oder die Entdeckung Amerikas 1969/Teil 2 von 2.mp4

INTENSO#6/Films/Curt Goetz - Frauenarzt Dr. Prätorius (1950).mp4

INTENSO#6/Films/Das Wirtshaus im Spessart ( Deutsch ).mp4

INTENSO#6/Films/Der Raub der Sabinerinnen.mp4

INTENSO#6/Films/Ein Pyjama für Zwei (1961).mp4

INTENSO#6/Films/Flug in Gefahr, Die Mutter aller Flugzeugkatastrophenfilme, mit Hanns Lothar, kompletter Film.mp4

INTENSO#6/Films/Reach for the Sky War Drama 1956 Kenneth More, Muriel Pavlow vesves Lyndon Brook.mp4

INTENSO#6/Films/Wir Kellerkinder (1960).mp4


INTENSO#6/Iraq/The Spies Who Fooled The World Iraq War Documentary BBC.mp4 (Curveball)

INTENSO#6/Iraq/Leading To War - The Complete Film.mp4


INTENSO#6/JeffreySachs/& Kevin Watkins on Financing for sustainable development.mp4

INTENSO#6/JeffreySachs/2016 - Centesimus Annus 25 Years Later.mp4

INTENSO#6/JeffreySachs/A Conversation with Seymour Hersh.mp4

INTENSO#6/JeffreySachs/ISAP2015 Keynote Speech from Jeffrey D. Sachs.mp4

INTENSO#6/JeffreySachs/MOOC - Jeffrey Sachs - The Age of Sustainable Development - Lecture 1, Chapter 2.mp4

INTENSO#6/JeffreySachs/Repairing Economic Governance - Professor Jeffrey Sachs.mp4

INTENSO#6/Khan Academy - Immune System/

INTENSO#6/Khan Academy - Immune System/1. Role of phagocytes in innate or nonspecific immunity.mp4

INTENSO#6/Khan Academy - Immune System/2. Types of immune responses.mp4

INTENSO#6/Khan Academy - Immune System/3. B lymphocytes (B cells).mp4

INTENSO#6/Khan Academy - Immune System/4. Professional antigen presenting cells (APC) and MHC II complexes.mp4

INTENSO#6/Khan Academy - Immune System/5. Helper T cells.mp4

INTENSO#6/Khan Academy - Immune System/6. Cytotoxic T cells.mp4

INTENSO#6/Khan Academy - Immune System/7. Review of B cells, CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells.mp4

INTENSO#6/Khan Academy - Immune System/8. Inflammatory response.mp4

INTENSO#6/Khan Academy - Immune System/9. Clonal selection.mp4

INTENSO#6/Khan Academy - Immune System/10. Self vs. non-self immunity.mp4

INTENSO#6/Khan Academy - Immune System/11._How_white_blood_cells_move_around.mp4

INTENSO#6/Khan Academy - Immune System/12._Blood_cell_lineages.mp4

INTENSO#6/Noam Chomsky/

INTENSO#6/Noam Chomsky/Noam Chomsky - Mathematics, Language, and Abstract Objects.mp4


INTENSO#6/NSA/The Pentagon Papers Case- Supreme Court Decision, Vietnam War - Daniel Ellsberg (2006).mp4

INTENSO#6/NSA/NSA - BND - VS - Geheimdienste außer Kontrolle-.mp4

INTENSO#6/Oliver_Sacks (79 - 112.mp4) 

INTENSO#6/Oliver_Sacks/A family interest in chemistry and mineralogy.mp4

INTENSO#6/Oliver_Sacks/Abba Eban, my extraordinary cousin.mp4


INTENSO#6/Yehudi Menuhin

INTENSO#6/Yehudi Menuhin/Music of Man (1979)

INTENSO#6/Yehudi Menuhin/Music of Man (1979)/1 The Quiver of Life.mov

INTENSO#6/Yehudi Menuhin/Music of Man (1979)/2 The Flowering of Harmony.mp4

INTENSO#6/Yehudi Menuhin/Music of Man (1979)/3 New Voices.mp4

INTENSO#6/Yehudi Menuhin/Music of Man (1979)/4 The Age of the Composer.mp4

INTENSO#6/Yehudi Menuhin/Music of Man (1979)/5 The Age of the Individual.mp4

INTENSO#6/Yehudi Menuhin/Music of Man (1979)/6 The Parting of the Ways.mp4

INTENSO#6/Yehudi Menuhin/Music of Man (1979)/7 The Known and the Unknown.mp4

INTENSO#6/Yehudi Menuhin/Music of Man (1979)/8 Sound or Unsound.mp4


(118 MB available)


INTENSO_7/arts/Amy Winehouse (Concert Complet en HD ) 2008.mp4

INTENSO_7/arts/Amy Winehouse Live In London 2007.mp4

INTENSO_7/arts/Loopdiver by Troika Ranch, Berlin.mp4



INTENSO_7/arts/Premiere Wagners "Parsifal".mp3

INTENSO_7/arts/Max Ernst

INTENSO_7/arts/Max Ernst/Max Ernst - A German Painter - Surrealism Video 5 of 6.mp4

INTENSO_7/arts/Max Ernst/max ernst and the surrealist revolution 3 -3.mp4

INTENSO_7/arts/Max Ernst/Max Ernst - A German Painter - Surrealism Video 4 of 6.mp4

INTENSO_7/arts/Max Ernst/Max Ernst - A German Painter - Surrealism Video 3 of 6.mp4

INTENSO_7/arts/Max Ernst/Max Ernst - A German Painter - Surrealism Video 2 of 6.mp4

INTENSO_7/arts/Max Ernst/Max Ernst - A German Painter - Surrealism Video 1 of 6.mp4

INTENSO_7/arts/Max Ernst/Max Ernst - A German Painter - Surrealism Video 6 of 6.mp4



INTENSO_7/arts/Yehudi_Menuhin_100/Die Lange Nacht zum 100. Geburtstag von Yehudi Menuhin - Ein Geiger steht Kopf.pdf










INTENSO_7/Bettinas_DVD/trn_2016-03-01-scheerintelligence0311.mp3  (Robert Scheer in conversation with William Binney)

INTENSO_7/Bettinas_DVD/NSA Whistleblower William Binney- The Future of FREEDOM Tragedy&Hope.mp4  (notes)


INTENSO_7/Bettinas_DVD/Frontline-United_States_of_Secrets/deutsch (Teile 1, 2, 3.mp4)

INTENSO_7/Bettinas_DVD/Frontline-United_States_of_Secrets/Part 2(incl.3) .mp4

INTENSO_7/Bettinas_DVD/Frontline-United_States_of_Secrets/Part 1.mp4

INTENSO_7/Conversations with History

INTENSO_7/Conversations with History/Conversations with History- Robert S. McNamara.mp4

INTENSO_7/Conversations with History/Thinking About the Brain with V.S. Ramachandran - Conversations with History.mp4

INTENSO_7/Conversations with History/Conversations with History- Glenn Greenwald - YouTube.mp4

INTENSO_7/Conversations with History/Movies, Politics and History with Oliver Stone - Conversations with History.mp4

INTENSO_7/Conversations with History/Conversations With History- The Ascent of Money.mp4

INTENSO_7/Conversations with History/Conversations with History- Steven Chu.mp4

INTENSO_7/Conversations with History/Conversations with History- Christof Koch.mp4

INTENSO_7/Conversations with History/Conversations with History- Daniel Ellsberg.mp4

INTENSO_7/Conversations with History/Conversations with History- Christopher Hitchens.mp4

INTENSO_7/Conversations with History/Col Lawrence Wilkerson (Part 1) Conversations With History.mp4


INTENSO_7/Dokus/Al Khalili Elements

INTENSO_7/Dokus/Al Khalili Elements/History of Chemistry 1of3 Discovering The Elements.mp4

INTENSO_7/Dokus/Al Khalili Elements/History of Chemistry 3of3 The Power Of Elements.mp4

INTENSO_7/Dokus/Al Khalili Elements/History of Chemistry 2of3 The Order Of The Elements.mp4

INTENSO_7/Dokus/Al Khalili Elements/Elemente_Das geheime System.mp4


INTENSO_7/Dokus/climate/Disobedience (2016 Documentary).mp4

INTENSO_7/Dokus/climate/Early Anthropogenic Transformations of Earth's Climate- Prof William Ruddiman.mp4

INTENSO_7/Dokus/climate/Pre-Briefing 20. VN-Klimakonferenz - Ottmar Edenhofer, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.mp4

INTENSO_7/Dokus/climate/Pre-Briefing 20-1. VN-Klimakonferenz - Ottmar Edenhofer, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.mp4

INTENSO_7/Dokus/climate/!The Carbon Cycle- CO2 and Climate- Prof David Archer.mp4


INTENSO_7/Dokus/climate/REN21/2015 Global Status Report- Transport.mp4

INTENSO_7/Dokus/climate/REN21/2015 Global Status Report- Energy Efficiency.mp4

INTENSO_7/Dokus/climate/REN21/2014 Distributed Renewable Energy.mp4

INTENSO_7/Dokus/climate/REN21/2015 Global Status Report- Heating and Cooling.mp4

INTENSO_7/Dokus/climate/REN21/2014 100% Renewables- How to make it happen.mp4

INTENSO_7/Dokus/climate/REN21/2014 Policy Frameworks.mp4


INTENSO_7/Dokus/CrisisOfCivilization/Earth Documentary - Experts say sixth mass Extinction on Earth has ALREADY started.mp4

INTENSO_7/Dokus/CrisisOfCivilization/Human Extinction By 2030 -The Crisis of Civilization!.mp4

INTENSO_7/Dokus/CrisisOfCivilization/Das Deep Web - der Untergang der Silk Road - Dokumentation.mp4

INTENSO_7/Dokus/CrisisOfCivilization/Sixth Mass Extinction (Full Documentary).mp4

INTENSO_7/Dokus/das raetsel unseres bewusstseins & das raetsel unserer intelligenz.mp4 (selbst digitalisierte Version)


INTENSO_7/Dokus/EnergyDemocracy/Kirsten Hasberg on Energy Democracy TV.mp4

INTENSO_7/Dokus/Thorium - Atomkraft ohne Risiko?.mp4

INTENSO_7/Dokus/Seven Wonders of the Buddhist World - BBC Documentary - with English Subtitles.mp4

INTENSO_7/Dokus/Havel - Liebe zur Wahrheit (2010).mp4



INTENSO_7/Filme/Curt Goetz & Valerie von Martens - Heiter & besinnlich aus der Literatur, 9 - Die Rache (Humor).mp4

INTENSO_7/Filme/German Story - Where we come from- (English & German Subtitles).mp4


INTENSO_7/Filme/ZweiteHeimat (1.mp4 - 13.mp4)

INTENSO_7/Global Brain Institute

INTENSO_7/Global Brain Institute/Harry Halpin & Sm√°ri McCarthy- Societal Cybernetics (Seminar).mp4

INTENSO_7/Global Brain Institute/Viktoras Veitas- Making sense of decentralized (IT) governance.mp4

INTENSO_7/Global Brain Institute/Francis Heylighen - Mind outside of Brain - YouTube.mp4

INTENSO_7/Global Brain Institute/Francis Heylighen- Foundations for a Mathematical Model of the Global Brain.mp4

INTENSO_7/Global Brain Institute/Jean-François Noubel- Collective Intelligence - a New Research Discipline.mp4

INTENSO_7/Global Brain Institute/Joël de Rosnay. Internet Epigenetics- how to modify DNA from inside.mp4

INTENSO_7/Global Brain Institute/Francis Heylighen- Towards an Intelligent Network for Matching Offer and Demand.mp4


INTENSO_7/IT/Aaron Swartz

INTENSO_7/IT/Aaron Swartz/Anonymous - The Story of Aaron Swartz Full Documentary.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/Aaron Swartz/Aaron Swartz Memorial at Cooper Union Great Hall.mp4 (Part 1, Part 2)

INTENSO_7/IT/Aaron Swartz/ZDFinfo Tod eines Internet Aktivisten 150105 intenetaktivist inf 2256k p14v11.mp4


INTENSO_7/IT/CCC_Camp15/Brewster Kahle- Locking the Web Open- Call for a Distributed Web.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/CCC_Camp15/Daniel "unicornFurnace" Crowley- Bugged Files.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/CCC_Camp15/Luke Gotszling- The quest for artificial general intelligence.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/CCC_Camp15/Ramiro Pareja & Rafa Boix- Hardware attacks- hacking chips on the (very) cheap.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/CCC_Camp15/Mitch- Hackerspace Design Patterns 2.0.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/CCC_Camp15/Liz- Detecting echoes from the dawn of time.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/CCC_Camp15/hukl, Fiona- Chaos Communication Camp Closing.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/CCC_Camp15/Mustafa Al-Bassam, Richard Tynan- How to Destroy a Laptop with Top Secrets.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/CCC_Camp15/Freie Software gegen unsere Freiheit?.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/CCC_Camp15/ijon- Hackerfleet - what happend?.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/CCC_Camp15/hukl, Fiona- Chaos Communication Camp Opening.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/CCC_Camp15/Brewster Kahle- Towards Universal Access to All Knowledge- Internet Archive.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/CCC_Camp15/Infrastructure Review.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/CCC_Camp15/linse- Building a culture of courage.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/CCC_Camp15/Logbuch Netzpolitik- LNP150 Kampf in der fünften Dimension.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/CCC_Camp15/Logbuch-Netzpolitik Folge 150.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/CCC_Camp15/Encrypted Email for Planet Earth.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/CCC_Camp15/hanno- TLS interception considered harmful.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/CCC_Camp15/John Giannelos- Satellite Open Ground Station Network.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/CCC_Camp15/Constanze Kurz- Staatstrojaner in Karlsruhe.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/CCC_Camp15/byterazor- FPGAs for everyone.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/CCC_Camp15/Linus Neumann- Politische L√∂sungen für technische Probleme?.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/CCC_Camp15/Gustaf Bjorksten- Fueling the Revolution.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/CCC_Camp15/Catherine Crump- Mainstreet Policing Meets Military-Grade Surveillance.mp4


INTENSO_7/IT/NetworkScience/Neil Gershenfeld- -The Third Digital Revolution- - Solid 2014 Keynote.mp4


INTENSO_7/IT/republica2016/Kate Crawford- Know your terrorist credit score!.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/republica2016/Opening Keynote- The last kilometer, the last chance.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/republica2016/SaveTheInternet  -  a new hope for net neutrality in Europe.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/republica2016/Agnieszka Walorska- Digital Transformation or Digital Destruction-.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/republica2016/Vladan Joler- Metadata Investigation- Inside Hacking Team.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/republica2016/ Anne Schuessler & Uri Aviv- Designing the future.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/republica2016/Ist die Netzneutralität in Europa noch zu retten-.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/republica2016/Trebor Scholz- How Platform Cooperativism Can Unleash the Network.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/republica2016/re-publica 2016  -  Wissensvermittlung im Netz - Was tun, wenn's komplex wird?.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/republica2016/Markus Beckedahl- Fight for your digital rights.mp4




INTENSO_7/IT/Whistleblower/American Whistleblower Tour - West Chester University.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/Whistleblower/American Whistleblowers/ Essential Voices for Accountability.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/Whistleblower/-www-therealnews.com-public_html-media-trn_2016-03-01-scheerintelligence0311.mp3 (Robert Scheer in conversation with William Binney) 

INTENSO_7/IT/Whistleblower/Diane Roark

INTENSO_7/IT/Whistleblower/Diane Roark/Frontline-b2fcb19f_uss_roark-16x9-mp4-baseline.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/Whistleblower/Diane Roark/Dianne Roark 6 14 2014.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/Whistleblower/Diane Roark/Another NSA Whistleblower Steps Forward.mp4


INTENSO_7/IT/Whistleblower/Edward Snowden

INTENSO_7/IT/Whistleblower/Edward Snowden/Edward Snowden Who Really Rules The United States.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/Whistleblower/Edward Snowden/Edward Snowden Dokumentation -Citizenfour - deutsch-german.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/Whistleblower/Frontline - United States of Secrets 2014

INTENSO_7/IT/Whistleblower/Frontline - United States of Secrets 2014/deutsch

Teil 1: Angriff auf die Privatsphäre (45 Minuten),

Teil 2: NSA - Operation Allmacht (40 Minuten),

Teil 3: Jagd auf die Whistleblower (45 Minuten). Teil 3 ist Teil von Part 2 der englischen Version.

INTENSO_7/IT/Whistleblower/Frontline - United States of Secrets 2014/english

Part 2

Part 1

INTENSO_7/IT/Whistleblower/NSA_&_DOJ_Whistleblowers_Talk_Whistleblowing_in America-Thomas_Drake&Jesselyn_Radack.mp3


INTENSO_7/IT/Whistleblower/Part 2- Former NSA Employee Thomas Drake and Jesselyn Radack on Whistleblower Crackdown.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/Whistleblower/Obama's War on Leaks.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/Whistleblower/Obama's Crackdown On Whistle Blowers - The Nation's Tim Shorrock Discusses.mp4


INTENSO_7/IT/Whistleblower/Pay Any Price- Greed, Power, and Endless War (w- James Risen).mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/Whistleblower/NSA & DOJ Whistleblowers Talk Whistleblowing in America.mp4




INTENSO_7/IT/Whistleblower/Thomas Tamm

INTENSO_7/IT/Whistleblower/Thomas Tamm/Thomas Tamm on Democracy Now 2 of 2.mp4

INTENSO_7/IT/Whistleblower/Thomas Tamm/Thomas Tamm on Democracy Now 1 of 2.mp4


INTENSO_7/IT/Whistleblower/William Binney - The Government is Profiling You (The NSA is Spying on You).mp4 (with flowchart of ThinThread, link to slideshow about ThinThread), from Cryptography and Information Security Group, MIT TechTV, Massattchussetts Institute of Technology, June 7 (or Computers, Freedom & Privacy Conference (cfp.org), November 19?), 2013 (info, ThinThread explanation: time slots 00:15:50 - 00:25:00 and 00:43:35 - 00:44:16)


INTENSO_7/IT/Whistleblower/U.S. v. Whistleblower Tom Drake_60_Minutes.mp4 (May 22, 2011, 2:00 pm)


INTENSO_7/Medizin/The Truth About Lyme Disease - Fox5 11-03-2016.mp4

INTENSO_7/Medizin/Dr. Steve Phillips - -Appointed-.mp4

INTENSO_7/Medizin/Dr. Steven E. Phillips, MD.mp4

INTENSO_7/Medizin/Interview with Dr. Steven Phillips at the NorVect Conference 2015.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Assange

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Assange/ARTE Doku Deutsch Julian Assange Spionage USA Panama Papers IS ISIS IRAK Syrien.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Assange/Assange on the Untold Story of the Grounding of Evo Morales' Plane During Edward Snowden Manhunt.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Assange/The case of the US vs Bradley Manning | Frontline Club Talks.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Assange/Wikileaks-die ganze Geschichte.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Assange/Frontline Club-New Statesman - Debate on Whistleblowing and WikiLeaks.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Assange/WikiLeaks- Julian Assange and Daniel Ellsberg in conversation.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Assange/What Every American Needs to Know (and Do) About FISA Today | Tim Ferriss & Daniel Ellsberg (June 2008).mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Assange/Assange speaks at WikiLeaks 10th anniversary in Berlin.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Assange/Julian Assange in conversation with Slavoj Zizek moderated by Democracy Now's Amy Goodman.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Carl Sagan's last interview with Charlie Rose (Full Interview).mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Clinton-Benghazi-Hearing-Fails-to-Address-Double-Standard-of-Classified-Information-Law.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/James Risen - Pay Any Price- Greed, Power, and Endless War on Terror , Crackdown on Whistleblowers.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Jeffrey_Sachs

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Jeffrey_Sachs/Repairing Economic Governance - Professor Jeffrey Sachs.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Jeffrey_Sachs/Sustainable action is the only option.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Jeffrey_Sachs/ISAP2015 Keynote Speech from Jeffrey D. Sachs.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Jeffrey_Sachs/„Äê2015 Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs„Äë MEETING THE CHALLENGE OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Jeffrey_Sachs/on bioeconomy and sustainable development goals (GBS 2015).mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Jeffrey_Sachs/& Kevin Watkins on Financing for sustainable development.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Jeffrey_Sachs/2016 - Centesimus Annus 25 Years Later.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Jeffrey_Sachs/The Age of Sustainable Development (1 - 14, Rest)

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Jeffrey_Sachs/The Global Politics of Sustainable Development-.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Jeffrey_Sachs/The End of Poverty Economic Possibilities - C-SPAN Video Library.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Jeffrey_Sachs/The Price of Civilization- - Talks at Google.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Jeffrey_Sachs/The Future of Globalization-.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Marcel_Ophuels

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Marcel_Ophuels/Louis Armstrong-Go Down Moses (Lyrics+Download).mp3

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Marcel_Ophuels/marcel-ophuls.png

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Marcel_Ophuels/Klassik_a_la_carte_AU-20150216-1431-2042.mp3

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Melvyn Leffler

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Melvyn Leffler/Propaganda and War- Iraq and Beyond.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Melvyn Leffler/Justice and Diplomacy Following World War II.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Melvyn Leffler/For the Soul of Mankind -- event video now available.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Melvyn Leffler/Origins of the Iraq War.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Melvyn Leffler/Memoirs and History: The Evolving Story of the George W. Bush Administration.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Melvyn Leffler/Problems of Perception.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Melvyn Leffler/President George H.W. Bush as Commander in Chief.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Melvyn Leffler/Melvyn Leffler on George W. Bush and Saddam Hussein.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Melvyn Leffler/Book Discussion—To Lead the World- American Strategy After the Bush Doctrine.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Melvyn Leffler/Cambridge History of the Cold War - Endings, 1975-1991.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Melvyn Leffler/From Coalition to Rivalry: The Soviet Union and United States at the Beginning of the Cold War.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Mikhail Gorbachev to RT 10.Aug.2015

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Mikhail Gorbachev to RT 10.Aug.2015/Mikhail Gorbachev to RT- America wanted to rule the world but lost its way RT  - SophieCo.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Mikhail Gorbachev to RT 10.Aug.2015/transcript.txt

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Pay Any Price- Greed, Power, and Endless War (w- James Risen).mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/RichardFeynman

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/RichardFeynman/Richard Feynman The World from another point of view [HD].mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/RichardFeynman/Richard Feynman- Nobel Prize Winner, Atomic Bomb, Quantum Mechanics.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/RichardFeynman/Richard Feynman Computer Heuristics Lecture.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/RichardFeynman/Los Alamos From Below -- Richard Feynman.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Volker Quaschning

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Volker Quaschning/Die Bedeutung von dezentralen PV-Systemen für die deutsche Energiewende.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Volker Quaschning/Bedeutung der photovoltaischen Eigenversorgung für die Energiewende und den Klimaschutz.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Volker Quaschning/E-World 2016: Auto als Hausspeicher + Solarworld + Energiewende in NRW.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Volker Quaschning/Requirements for a sustainable energy supply.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Volker Quaschning/Solar Power Trends: German and U.S. Perspectives.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Volker Quaschning/Power fluctuations of a renewable electricity supply..mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Volker Quaschning/5. Nordhessisches Energiegespräch 2015- Vortrag Prof. Ing. Volker Quaschning.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Willy_Brandt

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Willy_Brandt/Zeugen des Jahrhunderts - ZdJ- Willy Brandt Doku (1988).mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Willy_Brandt/100 Jahre Willy Brandt - Dokumentation.mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Willy_Brandt/Eine Woche mit Willy Brandt (1981).mp4

INTENSO_7/non-Whistleblower People/Willy_Brandt/Willy Brandt - Erinnerungen an ein Politikerleben.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Kate Crawford - Know Your Terrorist Credit Score.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Perry Rosenstein - The Purpose Driven Organizer.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Luna Malbroux - Laughter is the Most Serious Weapon.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Kristen Soltis Anderson - Beyond Big vs. Little Government.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Kentaro Toyama - Where Is Our First Law of Robotics-.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Sherry Turkle - The Pretense of Empathic Machines.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Stacy Donohue - Engines of Change.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Andrew Konya | How to Use AI to Have a Real Conversation With a Crowd.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Jason Mogus - Networked Change.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Mary Katharine Ham - We're Not Throwing Away Our Shot.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Safiya Noble - Challenging the Algorithms of Oppression.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Nick Grossman - Regulating With Data.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Natalie Foster - A Social Contract for the 21st Century.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Hossein Derakhshan - The Web We Lost; the Web We Want.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Mark Surman - Preserving the Free and Open Internet.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Mariana Ruiz Firmat - Kairos- How a Small Experiment is Changing the Face of Digital Organizing.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Amanda Rose - Timecounts.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Erin Vilardi - When Women Run.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Robin Carnahan - Beyond the Beltway.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Anil Dash - What If We're Not the Good Guys-.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Douglas Rushkoff - Reprogramming the Economy- From Growth to Prosperity.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Sam Dorman - Love Your Technology- The Product Team Approach.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Marina Martin | Debugging the Bureaucracy.3gp

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Josh Klein - Big Data and Social Control- A Brave New World-.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Greg Bloom - Building a Safety Net for the 21st Century.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Anand Kulkarni - Can Digital Jobs Make For Good Work-.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/danah boyd - Be Careful What You Code For.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Jake Brewer - A Tribute.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Elizabeth Stewart - Introducing Civic Hall Labs.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Yvette J Alberdingk Thijm - The Promise and Perils of Being a Civic Eyewitness.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Tracy Dennis Tiwary - Calming The Politics of Fear- Technology and the Anxious Brain.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Zack Exley - Lessons from the Sanders Campaign.mp4

INTENSO_7/personal democracy forum/Wael Ghonim - Mobocratic Algorithms.mp4


INTENSO_7/Russland/EXCLUSIVE- Fantastic Russian Primetime 2 HR Putin Documentary 'President'.mp4


INTENSO_7/Russland/Dmitry Orlov- Ukraine-Crimea Update, U.S. Will Self-Destruct in Near Future Update & More.mp4

INTENSO_7/Russland/EXCLUSIVE- The famous Russian documentary on Crimea with Putin FINALLY with SUBS.mp4


INTENSO_7/The Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex (pt1, 2, 3.mp4)


(420 MB available)


INTENSO_8/Arts/Tannhaeuser_anfang -1.25.Aufzug

INTENSO_8/Arts/Tannhaeuser_anfang -1.25.Aufzug/0-26.38.mp4

INTENSO_8/Arts/Tannhaeuser_anfang -1.25.Aufzug/26.38-51.34.mp4

INTENSO_8/Arts/Tannhaeuser_anfang -1.25.Aufzug/51.34-1.24.35.mp4

INTENSO_8/Arts/Tannhaeuser_anfang -1.25.Aufzug/2. Aufzug - Vorspiel & Anfang.mp4


INTENSO_8/Dokus/zuckmayer_2006.mp4 (info)

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Pepe Mujica_Uruguay.mp4 (Info)

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Der Diplomat Egon Bahr  -  Feature von Steffen Lueddemann, NDR Info Spezial vom 23. August 2015.mov

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Der Diplomat Egon Bahr  -  Feature von Steffen Lueddemann, NDR Info Spezial vom 23. August 2015_audio_only.mp3

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Helmut_Schmidt_Lebensfragen_2013.mp4 (Autor: Orlac, Regie: Ben von Grafenstein, im Cache)

INTENSO_8/Dokus/petra_nagel_Raissa und Michael Gorbatschow (2004).mp4 (Info)

INTENSO_8/Dokus/ulrich_timm_Ulrich Timm im Gespraech mit Egon Bahr (2011).mp4 (Info)

INTENSO_8/Dokus/vitali_manskij_Russische Praesidenten: Gorbatschow (2006).mp4 (Info)

INTENSO_8/Dokus/papier_herrschaft des unrechts.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Das Raetsel unseres Bewusstseins-Arte Doku_2015.mp4

INTENSO_8Dokus//Erinnerungen - Wie wir uns irren (Doku, arte).mp4 (Info)

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Daniel Baar Weltenangler Matthias Hambsch Tschernobyl.mp4

(INTENSO_8/Dokus/heydrich.mp4 (Info))


INTENSO_8/Dokus/wannsee-konferenz (1984).mp4 (Info)

INTENSO_8/Dokus/schoene_neue_welt_Angela Andersen, Claus Kleber.mp4


INTENSO_8/Dokus/hannah ahrendt & guenter gaus.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/willy wimmer nach attentat in berlin.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/schmitt_Der große Atomdeal.mpeg

INTENSO_8/Dokus/eisenhower military industrial cx.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/willy-wimmer_nds_2017_04_03_audio.mp3 (Info)

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Curveball.mpeg (Info)

INTENSO_8/Dokus/norman solomon war made easy - how presidents and pundits keep spinning us to death (2007).mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Bernstein dirigiert Schuberts -Grosse- C-Dur-Symphonie.mp3
















INTENSO_8/Dokus/Wassili Archipow/

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Wassili Archipow/Der Mann der die Welt rettete - Das Geheimnis der Kuba-Krise | Doku deutsch.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Wassili Archipow/Dritter Weltkrieg verhindert- Interview mit dem russischen Oberst, der die Welt rettete.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Wassili Archipow/Wassili Archipow - Dieser Mann rettete die Welt, und niemand weiss es.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Richard Clarke/

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Richard Clarke/911_hearings.mp4


INTENSO_8/Dokus/Putin/PBS Vladimir Putin Interview Part 1 2 Full Documentary.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus//oliver stone/

INTENSO_8/Dokus/oliver stone/Oliver Stones Untold History of the United States Prequel A.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/oliver stone/Oliver Stone - The Untold History of The US - How the US government works [Top Documentary Films].mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Der Kreml und Deutschland

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Der Kreml und Deutschland/1 Der Kreml und Deutschland 1(3) Gekaufte Revolution und geheime Partnerschaft.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Der Kreml und Deutschland/2 Der Kreml und Deutschland 2(3) Tödlicher Schulterschluss und Duell der Despoten.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Der Kreml und Deutschland/3 Der Kreml und Deutschland 3(3) Der schwere Weg der Versoehnung.mp4


INTENSO_8/Dokus/Richard_Rhodes/Richard Rhodes The Making of the Atomic Bomb Audiobook Part 1.mp3 (Audiobook, Pt. 1 of 3, Info)

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Richard_Rhodes/Richard Rhodes The Making of the Atomic Bomb Audiobook Part 2.mp3

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Richard_Rhodes/Richard Rhodes The Making of the Atomic Bomb Audiobook Part 3.mp3

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Lied To Death- Conversations with Daniel Ellsberg/ (Comment)

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Lied To Death- Conversations with Daniel Ellsberg/Intro This Is The Human Condition.mp3 (info)

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Lied To Death- Conversations with Daniel Ellsberg/Chapter 1.mp3

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Lied To Death- Conversations with Daniel Ellsberg/Chapter 2.mp3

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Lied To Death- Conversations with Daniel Ellsberg/Chapter 3.mp3

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Lied To Death- Conversations with Daniel Ellsberg/Chapter 4.mp3

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Lied To Death- Conversations with Daniel Ellsberg/Chapter 5.mp3

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Lied To Death- Conversations with Daniel Ellsberg/Chapter 6.mp3

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Lied To Death- Conversations with Daniel Ellsberg/Chapter 7.mp3

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Lied To Death- Conversations with Daniel Ellsberg/Chapter 8.mp3

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Lied To Death- Conversations with Daniel Ellsberg/Chapter 9.mp3

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Lied To Death- Conversations with Daniel Ellsberg/Chapter 10.mp3

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Lied To Death- Conversations with Daniel Ellsberg/Chapter 11.mp3

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Lied To Death- Conversations with Daniel Ellsberg/Chapter 12 Conclusion.mp3

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Lied To Death- Conversations with Daniel Ellsberg/My Interview with Daniel Ellsberg - Arn Menconi_2015.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Willy Brandt

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Willy Brandt/1.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Willy Brandt/2.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Jacob Bronowski

Lower than the Angels - Evolution of man from proto-ape to 400,000 years ago.

The Harvest of the Seasons - Early human migration, agriculture and the first settlements, war.

The Grain in the Stone - Tools, development of architecture and sculpture.

The Hidden Structure - Fire, metals and alchemy.

Music of the Spheres - The language of numbers.

The Starry Messenger - Galileo's universe.

The Majestic Clockwork - Explores Newton and Einstein's laws.

The Drive for Power - The Industrial Revolution.

The Ladder of Creation - Darwin and Wallace's ideas on the origin of species.

World within World - The story of the periodic table.

Knowledge or Certainty - Physics and the clash of absolute knowledge, the oppressive state, and its misgivings realizing the result of its terrible outcome.

Generation upon Generation - Life, genetics, and the cloning of identical forms.

The Long Childhood - Bronowski's treatise on the commitment of man.

INTENSO_8/Dokus/zeitenwende - die renaissance

INTENSO_8/Dokus/zeitenwende - die renaissance/1 von 2.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/zeitenwende - die renaissance/2 von 2.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Fog of War/

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Fog of War/The Fog of War  Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S  McNamara full movie.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Fog of War/the fog of war.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Fog of War/The Fog of War- Mark Danner in Conversation with Robert McNamara and Errol Morris.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Fischerauers Deutschland/

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Fischerauers Deutschland/Gewaltfrieden#1.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Fischerauers Deutschland/gewaltfrieden2.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Fischerauers Deutschland/heydrich.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Fischerauers Deutschland/hitler vor gericht.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Fischerauers Deutschland/Julikrise_2014.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Fischerauers Deutschland/kapp-luettwitz-putsch.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Fischerauers Deutschland/reichsgruendung.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Fischerauers Deutschland/von sarajewo zum ersten weltkrieg.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Fischerauers Deutschland/wannsee-konferenz-behind_the_scenes.mp4

INTENSO_8/Dokus/Fischerauers Deutschland/wannsee-konferenz.mp4


INTENSO_8/Interviews/Brandon Bryant NSAUA-Lesung 15.10.2015.mp3 (Text, Cache, ausfuehrlich - Cache)

INTENSO_8/Interviews/the real news network

INTENSO_8/Interviews/the real news network/pt-1_of_4_Whats-a-Progressive-and-the-Fight-for-Chair-of-the-California-Democratic-Party.mp4

INTENSO_8/Interviews/the real news network/pt-2_of_4_Warfare-State-at-War-with-Trump-as-he-Plans-Warfare-Against-Iran.mp4 (video cache on INTENSO#8, local transcript)

INTENSO_8/Interviews/the real news network/pt-3_of_4_Can-the-Democratic-Party-Be-Reformed---RAI-with-Norman-Solomon.mp4

INTENSO_8/Interviews/the real news network/pt-4_of_4_Corporate-Democrats-Persecute-Whistleblowers---RAI-with-Norman-Solomon.mp4

INTENSO_8/Interviews/Sam Harris/

INTENSO_8/Interviews/Sam Harris/Sam Harris and Dave Rubin- Islam, Trump, Hillary, and Free Will (Full Interview).mp4

INTENSO_8/Interviews/Sam Harris/Waking Up with Sam Harris #31 — Evolving Minds - A Conversation with Jonathan Haidt.mp4

INTENSO_8/Interviews/Sam Harris/Waking Up With Sam Harris #62 - What is True? (with Jordan B. Peterson).mp4

INTENSO_8/Interviews/Why was the Vietnam War Fought? Robert McNamara on Lessons Learned, Mistakes (1995).mp4

INTENSO_8/Interviews/Oliver Stone/

INTENSO_8/Interviews/Oliver Stone/The Putin Interviews' - Oliver Stone Speaks Out!  RonPaulLibertyReport.mp4

INTENSO_8/Interviews/oliver stone/The Putin Interview/the putin interviews making.mp4

INTENSO_8/Interviews/oliver stone/Oliver Stone Russia to blame for Ukraine violence is Fake .mp4

INTENSO_8/Interviews/oliver stone/Oliver Stone - Cambridge Union.mp4

INTENSO_8/Interviews/oliver stone/Oliver Stone on "Snowden"  Harvard Institute of Politics.mp4

INTENSO_8/Interviews/oliver stone/Oliver Stone - Full Interview On The Young Turks.mp4

INTENSO_8/Interviews/oliver stone/The Putin Interview/

INTENSO_8/Interviews/oliver stone/The Putin Interview/The Putin Interviews - Part 1 (English Subtitles).mp4

INTENSO_8/Interviews/oliver stone/The Putin Interview/The Putin Interviews - Part 2 (English Subtitles).mp4


INTENSO_8/Interviews/Putin/PBS Vladimir Putin Interview Part 1 2 Full Documentary.mp4

INTENSO_8/Interviews/Putin/PBS Vladimir Putin Interview Part 2 2 Full Documentary.mp4

INTENSO_8/Interviews/suzanne massie/

INTENSO_8/Interviews/suzanne massie/Suzanne Massie (2014).mp4

INTENSO_8/Interviews/suzanne massie/US-Russia thaw depends on whether Trump has guts to go against establishment - Reagan's Adviser.mp4


INTENSO_8/Vortraege/Dirk Helbing/

INTENSO_8/Vortraege/Dirk Helbing/Economy 4.0 (in German).mp4

INTENSO_8/Vortraege/Dirk Helbing/From Crystal Ball to Magic Wand_The New World Order in Times of Digital Revolution.mp4

INTENSO_8/Vortraege/Dirk Helbing/Emergence of the homo socialis and cooperation between strangers.mp4

INTENSO_8/Vortraege/Dirk Helbing/Dirk Helbing's talk (2011): Towards Simulating the Foundations of Society.mp4

INTENSO_8/Vortraege/Michael Lueders

INTENSO_8/Vortraege/Michael Lueders/UNGLAUBLICHER Vortrag - Michael Lueders über Erdogan, Syrien und Aussenpolitik | 27.03.2017 .mp4

INTENSO_8/Vortraege/Michael Lueders/Wer den Wind saet… Was westliche Politik im Orient anrichtet | Michael Lueders | SWR Tele-Akademie.mp4

INTENSO_8/Vortraege/Abraham Bernstein- Programming the Global Brain (Part I - Seminar).mp4



INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/3 years after snowden.mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/33c3 infrastructure review..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/A New Dark Age [33c3]..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/build your own nsa..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/ccc- jahresrückblick..mp4


INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/Check Your Police Record! [33c3] - YouTube..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/console hacking..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/Corporate surveillance, digital tracking, big data & privacy [33c3]..mp4


INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/economic consequences of internet censorship..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/Ein Geheimdienst als Zeuge. Szenen aus dem NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss. [33c3]..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/Einfuehrung zu Blockchains [33c3]..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/erdgeist- Kampf dem Abmahnunwesen [33c3]..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/Es sind die kleinen Dinge im Leben [33c3]..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/ethics in the data society..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/Everything you always wanted to know about Certificate Transparency (33c3)..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/fight for encryption (opsahl)..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/from server farm to data table..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/Genetic Codes and what they tell us – and everyone else (33c3)..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/gone in 60 milliseconds..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/Haft für Whistleblower- [33c3]..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/in search of evidence based security..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/irren ist staatlich..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/Law Enforcement Are Hacking the Planet [33c3]..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/machine dreams -josha bach..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/make the internet neutral again -lohninger..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/Make Wi-Fi fast again [33c3]..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/Markus Beckedahl- Privatisierung der Rechtsdurchsetzung [33c3]..mp4 (netzpolitik.org, info)

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/millionen dollar dissidents..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/Netzpolitik in der Schweiz 2016 [33c3]..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/Netzpolitik in Oesterreich [33c3]..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/no love for the us government..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/pufs, protection..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/rebel cities..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/Routerzwang und Funkabschottung [33c3]..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/security audit - us elections..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/security nightmares..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/smart cities..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/Space making-space shaping [33c3]..mp4


INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/stopping law enforcement hacking..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/surveilling the surveillers..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/Technologien für und wider Digitale Souveraenitaet (33c3)..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/The 12 Networking Truths [33c3]..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/the clash of digitalizations..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/the global assassination kit..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/The High Priests of the Digital Age (33c3)..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/transhumanist paradox..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/understanding the snooper's charter..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/untold - snowdens hong kong abreise..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/Von Kaffeeriechern, Abtrittanbietern und Fischbeinreißern [33c3]..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/welcome to the anthropocene..mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/33C3/world without blockchain.mp4


INTENSO_8/IT/media.ccc/10 Jahre Informationsfreiheitsgesetz – Wie wir den Staat zu mehr Transparenz zwingen.mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/media.ccc/CR206 - Basics des Hardware-Hackings.mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/media.ccc/CR214 - Hackerethik.mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/media.ccc/CYBER! Der Staat als Krimineller..mp4



INTENSO_8/IT/media.ccc/Geheimdienste außer Kontrolle und warum die BND-Reform keine ist..mp4


INTENSO_8/IT/media.ccc/We hate to say we told you so - IT Sicherheit als Kriegshandwerk.mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/Digitale_Gesellschaft_auf_FluxFM (In digitaler Gesellschaft, Website)

INTENSO_8/IT/Digitale_Gesellschaft_auf_FluxFM/NetzDG: Tauziehen um die Meinungsfreiheit - DigiGes @ FluxFM.mp4 (11.5.2017)

INTENSO_8/IT/Digitale_Gesellschaft_auf_FluxFM/Gesetz gegen Hate Speech_ Zensiertes Netz mit Klarnamenzwang? - DigiGes @ FluxFM.mp3 (30.3.2017)

INTENSO_8/IT/Digitale_Gesellschaft_auf_FluxFM/Wie der BND auch Inländer überwacht - DigiGes @ FluxFM.mp3 (14.10.2016)

INTENSO_8/IT/Digitale_Gesellschaft_auf_FluxFM/BND kann jetzt auch NSA - DigiGes @ FluxFM.mp3 (15.9.2016)

INTENSO_8/IT/Digitale_Gesellschaft_auf_FluxFM/Regierung will Staatstrojaner massenhaft einsetzen - DigiGes @ FluxFM.mp3 (25.5.2017)

A Good American



INTENSO_8/IT/a_good_american/videos/A GOOD AMERICAN - Trailer deutsch german [HD].mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/a_good_american/videos/A Good American - Trailer OmU.mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/a_good_american/videos/Binney at InfoWars (5 August 2016).mov


INTENSO_8/IT/a_good_american/videos/3.snowden v.1.0 - binney_tells_it_all.mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/a_good_american/videos/Buermeyer_BND-Gesetz (21. Sept. 2016).mov

INTENSO_8/IT/a_good_american/videos/NSA Whistleblower William Binney- The Future of FREEDOM_Tragedy&Hope.mp4


INTENSO_8/IT/a_good_american/videos/snowden, greenwald, chomsky on acTVism.mp4

From Moscow with Love

INTENSO_8/IT/a_good_american/videos/From Moscow with Love/1_From_Moscow_with_Love.mp4 (transcript)

INTENSO_8/IT/a_good_american/videos/From Moscow with Love/2_From_Moscow_with_Love.mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/a_good_american/videos/NSA Whistleblower William Binney- The Future of FREEDOM Tragedy&Hope.mp4  (notes)


INTENSO_8/IT/a_good_american/videos/snowden, greenwald, chomsky on acTVism.mp4

The United States of Secrets - deutsch

INTENSO_8/IT/a_good_american/videos/United States of Secrets - deutsch/Teil1-140527_staaten1_inf_436k_p9v11.mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/a_good_american/videos/United States of Secrets - deutsch/Teil2-140608_staaten2_inf_436k_p9v11.mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/a_good_american/videos/United States of Secrets - deutsch/Teil3-140527_staaten3_inf_436k_p9v11.mp4


INTENSO_8/IT/Whistleblower/binney bamboozling.mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/Whistleblower/We Steal Secrets - Die WikiLeaks Geschichte (2013).mp4


INTENSO_8/IT/Whistleblower/Ellsberg/Ellsberg_"What Every American Needs to Know (and Do) About FISA Today | Tim Ferriss".mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/Whistleblower/Ellsberg/Secrets- A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers - Daniel Ellsberg (2002).mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/Whistleblower/Ellsberg/The Most Dangerous Man in America - Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers

INTENSO_8/IT/Whistleblower/Ellsberg/The Most Dangerous Man in America - .../Daniel Ellsberg Exposes the US Government Pentagon Papers Documentary

1 avi Low, 360p.mp4

2 avi Low, 360p.mp4

3 avi Low, 360p.mp4

4 avi Low, 360p.mp4

5 avi Low, 360p.mp4

6 avi Low, 360p.mp4

7 avi Low, 360p.mp4

8 avi Low, 360p.mp4



INTENSO_8/IT/Whistleblower/Ellsberg/The M Danger Man in Am/DP:30- The Most Dangerous Man in America- Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers

      DP:30- The Oral History Of Hollywood Published on Mar 15, 2013. Shot in Los Angeles, January 2010.mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/Whistleblower/Ellsberg/Whistle-Blowers- A Conversation with Daniel Ellsberg and John Dean.mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/Whistleblower/Ellsberg/Roskilde Universitets Center, Denmark, 2004-10-26.ogv


INTENSO#8/Whistleblower /U.S. v. Whistleblower Tom Drake.mp4

INTENSO#8/Whistleblower /tom_drake_full_interview_on_gap.mp4


INTENSO_8/IT/Whistleblower/Kiriakou/Interview w CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou Pt 2-Obama's War Crimes.mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/Whistleblower/Kiriakou/Kiriakou, CIA whistle blower part 1.mp4 

INTENSO_8/IT/Whistleblower/Kiriakou/John Kiriakou part 2.mp4

Published on Feb 19, 2016. CIA whistle blower John Kiriaqou talks to Fort Collin Community Action Network about his experiences working for the CIA and offers a fascinating look inside federal prison.



INTENSO_8/IT/Whistleblower/Snowden/Edward Snowden Dokumentation -Citizenfour - deutsch-german.mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/Whistleblower/Snowden/'State of Surveillance' with Edward Snowden and Shane Smith (FULL EPISODE).mp4

INTENSO_8/IT/Whistleblower/Snowden/EDWARD SNOWDEN Everything about Donald Trump (52 minutes).mp4 (end of 2016)

INTENSO_8/IT/Whistleblower/Snowden/Das Snowden Interview in Muenchen, dem die deutschen Medien keinerlei Aufmerksamkeit schenkten.mp4 (YouTube)



INTENSO_8/Filme/Night Train to Lisbon.mp4

INTENSO_8/Filme/andorra weizsäcker.mp4

INTENSO_8/Filme/Das Ende der Geduld.mp4








INTENSO_8/Filme/A Foreign Affair 1948

INTENSO_8/Filme/A Foreign Affair 1948/3.mpg

INTENSO_8/Filme/A Foreign Affair 1948/3.mp4

INTENSO_8/Filme/A Foreign Affair 1948/1.mpeg

INTENSO_8/Filme/A Foreign Affair 1948/2.mpeg

INTENSO_8/Filme/Oppenheimer - Father of the Atomic Bomb

written by Peter Prince, directed by Barry Davis (1980).

Episode 1 - First years: Berkeley, Pasadena.

Episode 2 - Autumn 1942. Groves chooses Oppenheimer. Hakon Chevalier.

Episode 3 - Initial chaos in Los Alamos. Ed Condon leaves over quarrels with Groves. Jean Tatlock's suicide. Groves signs Oppenheimer's security clearance for Manhatten Project. Oppenheimer names Hakon Chevalier Christmas 1944.

Episode 4 - James Tuck proposes, Edward Teller, Hans Bethe favor implosion lenses. George Kistiakowsky takes charge of Implosion. Objections from Chicago Lab, Oppenheimer: "I think these people in Chicago are naive." Teller: "It's a terrible responsibility." Death of Roosevelt.

Episode 5 - Decision to drop A-Bomb on Japan. Trinity - Kistiakowsky blamed for implosion test failure. Oppenheimer: "I have become death."

Episode 6 - Late 1940s, 7. June 1949: Oppenheimer summoned before closed session of House Unamerican Activities Committee, Frank Oppenheimer fired from his position at U Minnesota, Russian A-Bomb, Teller pro hydrogen bomb ("Super"): "We can see no limit to the potential destructive power of the hydrogen." Atomic Energy Commission General Advisory Commission (GAC) meeting, Lewis Strauss approves investigation into Oppenheimer, Teller tries to find scientists to work on Super, Oppenheimer declines: "It will be insatiable!". Oppenheimer's candid talk at Los Alamos about Strategic Air Command's (Curtis LeMay) paranoid war philosophy, his security clearance revoked, investigation doubts Oppenheimer's truthfulness. In the Matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer (in cache)

Episode 7 - 1954 Hearings, Teller's testimony, late life in Princeton.

INTENSO_8/Filme/Solaris - russisch

INTENSO_8/Filme/Solaris - russisch/Солярис. Серия 1.mp4

INTENSO_8/Filme/Solaris - russisch/Солярис. Серия 2.mp4

INTENSO_8/Star Trek (TNG Season 6) audiomono

INTENSO_8/Star Trek TNG/Eine Handvoll Datas.mpeg (S06E08) A_Fistful_of_Datas)

INTENSO_8/Star Trek TNG/Besuch von der alten Enterprise.mpeg (S06E04: Relics)

aquiel.mpeg (S06) (deutsch)

chain of command 1.mpeg  (S06)

chain of command 2.mp4  (S06)

ship_in_a_bottle.mpeg (S06)


(168 MB available)


INTENSO#9/AI/Ray Kurzweil- Get ready for hybrid thinking.mp4

INTENSO#9/AI/The wonderful and terrifying implications of computers that can learn - Jeremy Howard.mp4

INTENSO#9/auch auf INTENSO#7

INTENSO#9/auch auf INTENSO#7/Germania (#7)

INTENSO#9/auch auf INTENSO#7/Germania (#7)/Curt Goetz & Valerie von Martens - Heiter & besinnlich aus der Literatur, 9 - Die Rache (Humor).mp4

INTENSO#9/auch auf INTENSO#7/Germania (#7)/German Story - Where we come from- (Gero von Boehm).mp4

INTENSO#9/auch auf INTENSO#7/Medizin (#7)

INTENSO#9/auch auf INTENSO#7/Medizin (#7)/Dr. Steve Phillips - -Appointed-.mp4

INTENSO#9/auch auf INTENSO#7/Medizin (#7)/Dr. Steven E. Phillips, MD.mp4

INTENSO#9/auch auf INTENSO#7/Medizin (#7)/Interview with Dr. Steven Phillips at the NorVect Conference 2015.mp4

INTENSO#9/auch auf INTENSO#7/Medizin (#7)/The Truth About Lyme Disease - Fox5 11-03-2016.mp4

INTENSO#9/auch auf INTENSO#7/Rußland (#7)

INTENSO#9/auch auf INTENSO#7/Rußland (#7)/Dmitry Orlov- Ukraine-Crimea Update, U.S. Will Self-Destruct in Near Future Update & More.mp4

INTENSO#9/auch auf INTENSO#7/Rußland (#7)/EXCLUSIVE- Fantastic Russian Primetime 2 HR Putin Documentary 'President'.mp4

INTENSO#9/auch auf INTENSO#7/Rußland (#7)/EXCLUSIVE- The famous Russian documentary on Crimea with Putin no SUBS.mp4


INTENSO#9/auch auf INTENSO#7/The Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex (#7)

INTENSO#9/auch auf INTENSO#7/The Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex (#7)/Pt2 The Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex.mp4

INTENSO#9/auch auf INTENSO#7/The Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex (#7)/Pt3 The Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex.mp4

INTENSO#9/auch auf INTENSO#7/The Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex (#7)/The Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex Pt1.mp4


INTENSO#9/arts/Arvo Paert/

INTENSO#9/arts/Arvo Paert/Adam's Lament.mp3

INTENSO#9/arts/Arvo Paert/Silencio.mp3

INTENSO#9/arts/Arvo Paert/Symphony No. 4 'Los Angeles' (UK Première) Proms 2010.mp

INTENSO#9/arts/Bela_Bartok_Konzert_fuer_Orchester_(1943)_Pierre_Boulez.mov (Einführung auf br-alpha, April 2018)

INTENSO#9/arts/Bernstein_The Age of Anxiety

INTENSO#9/arts/Clara Haskil

INTENSO#9/arts/Clara Haskil/Chopin#2.1.mp4

INTENSO#9/arts/Clara Haskil/Chopin#2.2.mp4

INTENSO#9/arts/Clara Haskil/Chopin#2.3.mp4

INTENSO#9/arts/Clara Haskil/Clara Haskil - der Zauber der Interpretation.mp4

INTENSO#9/arts/Clara Haskil/Clara Haskil laechelnd.mp4

INTENSO#9/arts/Ernest Chausson/

INTENSO#9/arts/Ernest Chausson/Poeme de l'amour et de la mer

INTENSO#9/arts/Ernest Chausson/Poeme de l'amour et de la mer/Chausson-Poeme fr&en.txt

INTENSO#9/arts/Ernest Chausson/Poeme de l'amour et de la mer/Poeme_1.mov

INTENSO#9/arts/Ernest Chausson/Poeme de l'amour et de la mer/zora&.png

INTENSO#9/arts/Ernest Chausson/Poeme de l'amour et de la mer/Zoras-a.rtf

INTENSO#9/arts/Ernest Chausson/Poeme de l'amour et de la mer/Zoras-Lauf-der-Zeit.mov

INTENSO#9/arts/Ernest Chausson/Symphony in B-flat major, Op.20 (1889–90).mp3

INTENSO#9/arts/Gotthold Ephraim Lessing - Nathan der Weise (1967).mp4 (cast in info.html)

INTENSO#9/arts/Klaus Kammer:F. Kafka "Ein Bericht fuer eine Akademie" 27.9.1962.mp4

INTENSO#9/arts/Marcel Proust- auf der Suche (DLF 15.9.2018).mp3

INTENSO#9/arts/Mark MacRae



INTENSO#9/arts/Mark MacRae/3) P&O Ferries - You Deserve a Holiday.mp4

INTENSO#9/arts/Mark MacRae/4) SEGRO - FINAL Version - 08-02-12.mp4

INTENSO#9/arts/Mark MacRae/5) COSTAR USA.mp4


INTENSO#9/arts/Tales of Hoffmann

INTENSO#9/arts/Tales of Hoffmann/Tales of Hoffman Full.mp4

INTENSO#9/arts/Tales of Hoffmann/Tales of Hoffman Full (1of2).mp4

INTENSO#9/arts/Tales of Hoffmann/Tales of Hoffman Full (2of2).mp4

INTENSO#9/arts/Ulrich_Rasche_F_Schiller_Raeuber_2017.mov (Anfang, 70 Minuten, aus Mediathek per SnapZ kopiert)

INTENSO#9/Daniel Ellsberg

INTENSO#9/Daniel Ellsberg/A Conversation with Daniel Ellsberg- Reconciling Personal Integrity and Government Service.mp4

INTENSO#9/Daniel Ellsberg/Daniel Ellsberg Interview.mp4

INTENSO#9/Daniel Ellsberg/Daniel Ellsberg Interviewed by Joe Lauria (95% of material is overclassified - not national security related)

INTENSO#9/Ellsberg/Daniel Ellsberg On Leaking In The Age Of Trump (HBO).mp4

INTENSO#9/Daniel Ellsberg/Daniel Ellsberg On The Pentagon Papers To Donald Trump- What Have We Learned- - MTP Daily - MSNBC.mp4

INTENSO#9/Ellsberg/Daniel Ellsberg Reveals He was a Nuclear War Planner, Warns of Nuclear Winter & Global Starvation.mp4

INTENSO#9/Daniel Ellsberg/Daniel Ellsberg talks about Julian Assange.mp4

INTENSO#9/Ellsberg/Daniel Ellsberg- -The Doomsday Machine- - Talks at Google.mp4


INTENSO#9/Daniel Ellsberg/Daniel Ellsberg- Whistleblowing is Needed to Avert Catastrophic U.S. War with Iran & North Korea.mp4

INTENSO#9/Daniel Ellsberg/David Swanson and Daniel Ellsberg at the San Francisco Public Library.mp4


INTENSO#9/Ellsberg/DemocracyNow/How_the_Pentagon_Papers_Came_to be Published_By_the_Beacon_Press_Told_by_Daniel_Ellsberg&Others.mp4

INTENSO#9/Ellsberg/Die Wahrheit über den Vietnamkrieg (Doku) Daniel Ellsberg und die Pentagon Papiere.mp4

INTENSO#9/Daniel Ellsberg/Dresden Peace Prize 2016 Speech of Daniel Ellsberg.mp4


INTENSO#9/Daniel Ellsberg/Free Speech Legacies- The Pentagon Papers Revisited - Keynote Address by Daniel Ellsberg.mp4

INTENSO#9/Lied To Death- Conversations with Daniel Ellsberg/

INTENSO#9/Lied To Death- Conversations with Daniel Ellsberg/Chapter 1 Intro - Chapter 12 Conclusions,mp3

INTENSO#9/Lied To Death- Conversations with Daniel Ellsberg/My Interview with Daniel Ellsberg - Arn Menconi_2015.mp4

INTENSO#9/Daniel Ellsberg/Die Wahrheit über den Vietnamkrieg (Doku) Daniel Ellsberg und die Pentagon Papiere.mp4

INTENSO#9/Daniel Ellsberg/Dresden Peace Prize 2016 Speech of Daniel Ellsberg.mp4

INTENSO#9/Daniel Ellsberg/Ellsberg_on_CBS.mov

INTENSO#9/Daniel Ellsberg/Free Speech Legacies- The Pentagon Papers Revisited - Keynote Address by Daniel Ellsberg.mp4

INTENSO#9/Daniel Ellsberg/Lied To Death- Conversations with Daniel Ellsberg

INTENSO#9/Daniel Ellsberg/Opinion - Daniel Ellsberg stashed top-secret nuclear war papers, too.mp4

INTENSO#9/Ellsberg/The Most Dangerous Man in America- Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers (Full Documentary).mp4


INTENSO#9/docus/Alan Robock/

INTENSO#9/docus/Alan Robock/Alan Robock- Nuclear Weapons' Pathological Effect On Climate, Agriculture.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Alan Robock/Alan Robock- Nuclear Winter.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Alan Robock/Answering Counter Climate Claims -  Alan Robock on Reality Asserts Itself (3-5).mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Alan Robock/Global Warming Theory Based on Evidence, Not a Belief - Alan Robock on RAI (1-5).mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Alan Robock/No CO2 Eureka Moment, Just Years of Statistical Analysis -- Alan Robock on RAI (2-5).mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Alan Robock/Nuclear Winter - Alan Robock on Reality Asserts Itself (4-5).mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Alan Robock/Volcanic Sunsets.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Alan Robock/What to Do Next About Global Warming- - Alan Robock on Reality Asserts Itself (5-5).mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/American Terrorist/

INTENSO#9/docus/American Terrorist/FRONTLINE American Terrorist Documentary 2015.mp4 (PBS)

INTENSO#9/docus/Assanges arrest/

INTENSO#9/docus/Assanges arrest/Assange and Manning Under Arrest- Trump Admin Goes All Out Against Whistleblowers /1, 2_of_2.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Assanges arrest/Bill Binney (former NSA) on the Arrest of Julian Assange.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Assanges arrest/Daniel Ellsberg On Assange Arrest- The Beginning of the End For Press Freedom.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Assanges arrest/Gore Vidal on the Cold War (1-7)

INTENSO#9/docus/Benazir Bhutto's Assassination- Movie.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Berliner Legenden - Willy Brandt

INTENSO#9/docus/Berliner Legenden Willy Brandt/ Teil 1.mov

INTENSO#9/docus/Berliner Legenden - Willy Brandt/Teil 2.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Berliner Legenden - Willy Brandt/Teil 3.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Carl Sagan - Cosmos

INTENSO#9/docus/Carl Sagan - Cosmos/1-The Shores of the Cosmic Ocean-.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Carl Sagan - Cosmos/2-One Voice in the Cosmic Fugue-.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Carl Sagan - Cosmos/3-Harmony of the Worlds-.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Carl Sagan - Cosmos/4-Heaven and Hell-.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Carl Sagan - Cosmos/5-Blues for a Red Planet-.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Carl Sagan - Cosmos/6-Travellers' Tales-.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Carl Sagan - Cosmos/7-The Backbone of Night-.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Carl Sagan - Cosmos/8-Journeys in Space and Time-.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Carl Sagan - Cosmos/9-The Lives of the Stars-.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Carl Sagan - Cosmos/10-The Edge of Forever-.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Carl Sagan - Cosmos/11-The Persistence of Memory-.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Carl Sagan - Cosmos/12-Encyclopaedia Galactica-.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Censorship Does NOT Work!- Tucker Goes Off on the Alex Jones Ban.mp4 (17 August 2018)

INTENSO#9/docus/Craig Murray at Solidarity Vigil for Julian Assange 19-06-2018.mp4

INTENSO#9/dokus/Das Rätsel unseres Bewusstseins.mp4 (arte Doku von Cecile Denjean, 2015, enthält nach dem Ende 

(ohne Beethovens 7. Sinfonie) mehr)



Vendredis 22 et 29 avril 2016 à 22.25 

INTENSO#9/docus/Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality.mp4 (Anil Seth)

INTENSO#9/docus/Der neue Kalte Krieg - Mehr Atomwaffen für Europa- – Doku HD.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Die dunkle Seite der Wikipedia.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Die Geheimnisse der Mathematik

INTENSO#9/docus/Die Geheimnisse der Mathematik/Die Geheimnisse der Mathematik - Dokumentation 2016 (HD, NEU).mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Die Geheimnisse der Mathematik/TOP Secret Things about Mathematics you didn't Know Full Documentary.mp4


INTENSO#9/docus/for_the_refugees/-Edward Snowden-.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/for_the_refugees/‘No future in Hong Kong’- Snowden refugees petition Canadian government for resettlement.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/for_the_refugees/Appeal by refugee families who sheltered Snowden.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/for_the_refugees/Asian refugees who helped Snowden denied asylum.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/for_the_refugees/Devil's advocate- Robert Tibbo on Snowden's life in Hong Kong and more.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/for_the_refugees/Ed Snowden @Canada- help refugees who saved me-aidez les réfugiés qui m'ont sauvé.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/for_the_refugees/Edward Snowden in His Own Words.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/for_the_refugees/Edward Snowden's Guardian Angels.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/for_the_refugees/Edward Snowden's Underground Escape Hiding Places.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/for_the_refugees/Hong Kong 'Snowden refugees' dream of better life.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/for_the_refugees/Hong Kong Denies Asylum for Snowden Associates.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/for_the_refugees/Inside the daring plan to hide Edward Snowden.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/for_the_refugees/Joseph Gordon-Levitt Opens Up About Meeting Edward Snowden.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/for_the_refugees/Lankan refugees who hid Snowden in HK talk.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/for_the_refugees/Lawyers to help refugees who sheltered Snowden in Hong Kong.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/for_the_refugees/Snowden's Great Escape Full Documentary.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/for_the_refugees/Snowden's Guardian Angel Faces Deportation.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/for_the_refugees/Spendenkampagne von Snowden Guardians_ SNOWDEN'S GUARDIAN ANGELS.html

INTENSO#9/docus/for_the_refugees/The refugees who hid Edward Snowden.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/for_the_refugees/The Refugees Who Sheltered Edward Snowden In Hong Kong Had Their Asylum Applications Rejected - TIME.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/for_the_refugees/The Untold Story of Edward Snowden’s Escape from Hong Kong (33c3).mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/for_the_refugees/Video- The refugees who hid Edward Snowden.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/for_the_refugees/ZDF profile Snowden refugees and their lawyer Robert Tibbo.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Germany - Memories of a Nation (pts 1 - 6) - Neil MacGregor

INTENSO#9/docus/How the US Helped Set 'Ukraine on Fire'.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Ich Putin - Ein Portraet - Interview mit Wladimir Wladimirowitsch Putin.mp4  (Hubert Seipel, 2012)

INTENSO#9/docus/Ignaz Lozo, Ende einer Supermacht - Putsch gegen Gorbatschow (2012).mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Julian Assange/

INTENSO#9/docus/Julian Assange/ARTE Doku Deutsch Julian Assange Spionage USA Panama Papers IS ISIS IRAK Syrien.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Julian Assange/In der Falle Julian Assange zwischen Politik und Justiz.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Krieg und Frieden - deutsch-sowjetische Skizzen.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/PBS - Atomic Bomb - Nuclear Bomb Documentary -The Bomb- 720p Remastered Video.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Russia-Ukraine war - Crimea, 2 years of "occupation" what happened, what do locals think?.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Special Counsel Investigating Trump Campaign Has Deep Ties to the Deep State.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/The Shock of the New

INTENSO#9/docus/The Shock of the New/Ep 1 - The Mechanical Paradise.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/The Shock of the New/Ep 2 - The Powers That Be.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/The Shock of the New/Ep 3 - The Landscape of Pleasure.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/The Shock of the New/Ep 4 - Trouble in Utopia.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/The Shock of the New/Ep 6 - The View from the Edge.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/The Shock of the New/Ep 7 - Culture as Nature.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/The Shock of the New/Ep 8 - The Future That Was.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Ukraine on Fire - Oliver Stone.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/verdun-sie_werden_nicht_durchkommen.mov (Serge de Sampigny, France, 2014. Mit Unterstützung des US-amerikanischen Historikers Professor Paul Jankowski von der privaten Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts, ergründet der Dokumentarfilm die Hintergründe)

INTENSO#9/dokus/War and Peace in the Nuclear Age (PBS)/

INTENSO#9/War and Peace in the Nuclear Age (PBS)/Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962.mp4

INTENSO#9/War and Peace in the Nuclear Age (PBS)/Europe Goes Nuclear.mp4

INTENSO#9/War and Peace in the Nuclear Age (PBS)/FDR.mp4

INTENSO#9/War and Peace in the Nuclear Age (PBS)/Missile Experimental.mp4

INTENSO#9/War and Peace in the Nuclear Age (PBS)/Reagan's Shield.mp4

INTENSO#9/War and Peace in the Nuclear Age (PBS)/The Education Of Robert McNamara.mp4

INTENSO#9/War and Peace in the Nuclear Age (PBS)/The Weapon Of Choice.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Werner Heisenberg /

INTENSO#9/docus/Werner Heisenberg /Werner Heisenberg  und die Frage nach der Wirklichkeit Dokumentation Deutsch  alle Teile.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Werner Heisenberg/Portrait Werner Heisenberg - Ernst Peter Fischer.mp4

INTENSO#9/docus/Werner Heisenberg/Werner Heisenberg im Gespraech (Audio 1968).mp4


INTENSO#9/films&audios/Breaking the Code- Biography of Alan Turing (Derek Jacobi, BBC, 1996).mp4

INTENSO#9/films&audios/Carl Zuckmayer Des Teufels General (1967).mp3

INTENSO#9/films&audios/Der Gasmann 1941 Full Movie HQ Video.mp4

INTENSO#9/films&audios/Der Maulkorb_Spoerl (R. A. Roberts) 1938;494x360 (1).mp4

INTENSO#9/films&audios/Der Schwarm - Hoerbuch von Frank Schaetzing

Teile 1 - 4

INTENSO#9/films&audios/Die weisse Rose Ein Film von Michael Verhoeven english Subtitles.mp4

INTENSO#9/films&audios/Ernst Schnabel - Interview_mit_einem_Stern (1951)

INTENSO#9/films&audios/F.rank Beyer - Das Ende der Unschuld (pts 1 & 2)

INTENSO#9/films&audios/Guenter Eich - Traeume

INTENSO#9/films&audios/Guenter Eich - Traeume/Guenter Eich Traeume - fuenfter Traum.mp3

INTENSO#9/films&audios/Guenter Eich - Traeume/Guenter Eich Traeume - vierter Traum.mp3

INTENSO#9/films&audios/Guenter Eich - Traeume/Guenter Eich Traeume - dritter Traum.mp3

INTENSO#9/films&audios/Guenter Eich - Traeume/Guenter Eich Traeume - zweiter Traum.mp3

INTENSO#9/films&audios/Guenter Eich - Traeume/Guenter Eich-Traeume - erster Traum.mp3

INTENSO#9/films&audios/Guenter Eich - Traeume/Traeume - Hoerspiel von Günter Eich - ORF 2013 - Max Reinhardt Seminar.mp3

INTENSO#9/films&audios/H. Kaeutner - Ludwig II- Glanz und Elend eines Koenigs.mp4

INTENSO#9/films/Klassiker - Frühling in Berlin (1957).mp4

INTENSO#9/films&audios/Ralph Richardson- Witness for the Prosecution.mp4

INTENSO#9/films&audios/Schachnovelle (DE 1960) - Deutscher Trailer.mp4 (ist gesamter Film)

INTENSO#9/films&audios/Schachnovelle Stefan Zweig Hörbuch.mp3

INTENSO#9/films&audios/Summerhill (2008) -AMAZING- Best Freedom Movie Ever!!.mp4

INTENSO#9/films&audios/The Cranes are Flying.mp4

INTENSO#9/films&audios/The Promise 2011 (pts 1 - 4)  (Peter Kosminski, Clair Foy, Christian Cooke)


INTENSO#9/films&audios/Warriors/Peacekeepers Part 1 - Warriors - Einsatz in Bosnien (english).mp4

INTENSO#9/films&audios/Warriors/Peacekeepers Part 2 - Warriors - Einsatz in Bosnien (english).mp4

INTENSO#9/Harry Belafonte/

INTENSO#9/Harry Belafonte/Belafonte_im_ndr

INTENSO#9/Harry Belafonte/HarryBelafonte_im_Gespraech(ndrKultur)AU-20120326-1417-2501.mp3


INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/A conversation with Sig Hecker.mp3

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/A Glorious Accident/

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/A Glorious Accident/A Complex World From a Virus Point of View (Part 9 of 14).mp4

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/A Glorious Accident/A Glorious Accident (1 of 7) Oliver Sacks on migraine.mp4

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/A Glorious Accident/A Glorious Accident (2 of 7) Rupert Sheldrake- Revolution or wrong track-.mp4

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/Coleen Rowley

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/Coleen Rowley/9-11 & Iraq Whistleblower - Coleen Rowley, FBI Attorney & Agent.mp4

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/Coleen Rowley/Coleen Rowley on How Top Secret America Misfires.mp4

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/Coleen Rowley/Coleen Rowley, Russia-gate’s Mythical ‘Heroes’ My Conversation.mp4

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/Coleen Rowley/We Were Lied To About 9-11 - Episode 5 - Coleen Rowley.mp3

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/Das ganze Bild - Beatrix von Storch

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/Das ganze Bild/Martin Lohmann - Kritische Journalisten heute als Avantgarde von morgen.mp4 - (1, 2)

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/Das ganze Bild/Thomas Fasbender.mp4 -  1 2 (Freiheit statt Demokratie – Russlands Weg und die Illusionen des Westens)



INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/ScheerIntelligence/KCRW-scheer_intelligence-daniel_ellsberg_the_doomsday_machine-171103.mp3  (Nov. 2017, see also: Daniel Ellsberg, The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner Hardcover – December 5, 2017)




INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/ScheerIntelligence/Veterans Ron Kovic, Oliver Stone in Conversation with Robert Scheer.mp4


INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/KenFM/KenFM am Telefon- Willy Wimmer über Realpolitik (Steinmeier, Trump, Netanyahu).mov

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/KenFM im Gespraech mit

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/KenFM/KenFM im Gespraech mit/KenFM im Gespraech mit- Sally Perel (Hitlerjunge Salomon).mp4

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/KenFM/KenFM im Gespraech mit/Margret Rasfeld (-Schulen im Aufbruch-).mp4

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/KenFM/KenFM im Gespraech mit/Mohssen Massarrat (Teil 1).mp4

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/KenFM/KenFM im Gespraech mit/Mohssen Massarrat (Teil 2).mp4

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/KenFM/KenFM zeigt- Der Einfluss der USA auf Europa – Die USA-EU-Russland-Krise.mp4  (mit Willy Wimmer und Wolfgang Bittner, 8.10.2017)

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/Leahy Questions NSA Director Keith Alexander On Cyber Security.mp4

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/Managen Sie Ihre Energie, nicht nur Ihre Zeit“ – Dr. med. Ulrich Bauhofer #kk14.mp4

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/Oliver Stone on the Personal Inspiration Behind 'Snowden'.mp4

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/Oliver Stone with James DiEugenio – “If JFK Were Alive Today”.mp4

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/Ray McGovern

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/Ray McGovern/The Future of Freedom - Ray McGovern/

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/The Future of Freedom - Ray McGovern/Part 1 of 3.mp4 (14 Oct. 2016, info)

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/The Future of Freedom - Ray McGovern/Part 2 of 3.mp4 (14 Oct. 2016, info)

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/The Future of Freedom - Ray McGovern/Part 3 of 3.mp4 (14 Oct. 2016, info)

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/Robert Scheer- Fake News Or Assault On Democracy-.mp4



INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/Sophie_&_Co_w.Oliver_Stone_4.12.2017/Oliver Stone- Putin is ready to negotiate on everything but Russia’s national interests.mp4


INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/Sophie&Co/'Everybody in the city was exposed to radiation' - Hiroshima survivor.mp4

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/Sophie&Co/Cryptocurrency will survive as US dollar and euro collapse – BitCoin Cash ‘CEO’.mp4

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/Sophie&Co/Peter Kosminsky- Branding all terrorists “mad” doesn’t serve those who perished at their hands.mp4

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/Sophie&Co/Reporting abuse was risking my life – US veteran & rape victim.mp4

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/Sophie&Co/Setsuko Thurlow Hiroshima survivor speaks as U.N delegates vote to prohibit nuclear weapons 2017.mp4


INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/Top human rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson on censorship, WikiLeaks & Brazil’s Lula (E628).mp4

INTENSO#9/interviews&discussions/Whistleblowers- Congress Has Entrenched the Surveillance State.mp4

INTENSO#9/Julian Assange - The World Tomorrow

INTENSO#9/Julian Assange - The World Tomorrow/#1- Hassan Nasrallah (E1).mp4

INTENSO#9/Julian Assange - The World Tomorrow/#2- Slavoj Zizek & David Horowitz (E2).mp4

INTENSO#9/Julian Assange - The World Tomorrow/#3- Moncef Marzouki.mp4

INTENSO#9/Julian Assange - The World Tomorrow/#4- Nabeel Rajab & Alaa A. El-Fattah.mp4

INTENSO#9/Julian Assange - The World Tomorrow/#5-Surviving Guantanamo.mp4

INTENSO#9/Julian Assange - The World Tomorrow/#6- Assange & Ecuador's Pres. Correa.mp4

INTENSO#9/Julian Assange - The World Tomorrow/#7- Occupy Movement (E7).mp4

INTENSO#9/Julian Assange - The World Tomorrow/#9- Imran Khan.mp4

INTENSO#9/Julian Assange - The World Tomorrow/#10- Noam Chomsky & Tariq Ali.mp4

INTENSO#9/Julian Assange - The World Tomorrow/#11- Corruption & Islamophobia.mp4

INTENSO#9/Julian Assange - The World Tomorrow/#12- Anwar Ibrahim.mp4

INTENSO#9/Julian Assange - The World Tomorrow/Cypherpunks#1.mp4

INTENSO#9/Julian Assange - The World Tomorrow/Cypherpunks#2.mp4


INTENSO#9/lectures/-Die Menschheit schafft sich ab- Prof. Dr. Harald Lesch SWR.mp4

INTENSO#9/lectures/28. Pleisweiler Gespräch mit Professor Mausfeld - 22. Oktober 2017.mp4

INTENSO#9/lectures/Dirk Helbing

INTENSO#9/lectures/Dirk Helbing/Datenschutz.pdf

INTENSO#9/lectures/Dirk Helbing/Dirk Helbing-social_simulator&scientific_policy_decision_making.mp4

INTENSO#9/lectures/Dirk Helbing/Emergence of the homo socialis and cooperation between strangers.mp4

INTENSO#9/lectures/Dirk Helbing/extract-chapter-1-Pages de Book-all-chapters9-cover.pdf

INTENSO#9/lectures/Dirk Helbing/Indirect territorial battle between cooperators and moralists.mp4

INTENSO#9/lectures/Dirk Helbing/Moralists and immoralists jointly defeat defectors.mp4

INTENSO#9/lectures/Dirk Helbing/Social_Bots_2.pdf

INTENSO#9/lectures/Dirk Helbing/Spreading or erosion of cooperation in a social prisoner's dilemma game.mp4

INTENSO#9/lectures/Dirk Helbing/The -who laughs last laughs best- phenomenon.mp4

INTENSO#9/lectures/Peter M.A.Sloot/

INTENSO#9/lectures/Peter M.A.Sloot/A Complex World From a Virus Point of View (Part 9 of 14).mp4 (Univ. Amsterdam, talk given @ NanYang Technological University, 2013, subject: general theory of networks)

INTENSO#9/lectures/Peter M.A.Sloot/Conference- A Crude Look at the Whole - Peter Sloot.mp4 (2015)


INTENSO#9/lectures/Tennison/Present! - Russian TV Interviews American Citizen Diplomats.mp4

INTENSO#9/lectures/Tennison/Present! - Sharon Tennison- Crisis in Ukraine.mp4

INTENSO#9/lectures/Tennison/Russia- US Center for Citizen Initiatives undertakes fact-finding mission to Crimea.mp4

INTENSO#9/lectures/Tennison/Vladimir Pozner Meets with American Delegates from the Center for Citizen Initiatives.mp4

INTENSO#9/lectures/Tennison/Vladimir Pozner on Ukraine, Crimea, Putin and Journalism.mp4


INTENSO#9/Loud&Clear/1.2017_Trump - State of the Union.mp3


INTENSO#9/Loud&Clear/13.4.2018_Alfred de Zayas on Syria.mp3





INTENSO#9/Loud&Clear/Beyond Nuclear

INTENSO#9/Loud&Clear/Beyond Nuclear/5.4.2018_New_Mexico-HLW-parking_lot,_enriched_uranium_(from_Hanford).mp3

INTENSO#9/Loud&Clear/Beyond Nuclear/10.5.2018_Iran_North_Korea.mp3

INTENSO#9/Loud&Clear/Beyond Nuclear/12.4.2018_bankrupt_nuclear_energy_suppliers.mp3

INTENSO#9/Loud&Clear/Beyond Nuclear/14.6.2018_Federal_Energy_Regulatory_Commission_(FERC)_fossil&nuclear_subsidies.mp3

INTENSO#9/Loud&Clear/Beyond Nuclear/17.5.2018_New Mexico waste dump.mp3

INTENSO#9/Loud&Clear/Beyond Nuclear/25.1.2018_Greg_Mello&Kevin_Kamps_FERG_bailout_scheme.mp3

INTENSO#9/Loud&Clear/Beyond Nuclear/29.3.2018_Three-Mile_island.mp3

INTENSO#9/Loud&Clear/Beyond Nuclear/Daniel Ellsberg Speaks on "Doomsday Machine" and Nuclear War Dangers

INTENSO#9/Loud&Clear/Beyond Nuclear/25.Jan.2018 2.mp3

INTENSO#9/Loud&Clear/2018_01_25/Daniel Ellsberg Speaks on "Doomsday Machine" and Nuclear War Dangers.pdf

INTENSO#9/Loud&Clear/Beyond Nuclear/2018_02_06_nuclear_posture_review.mp3

INTENSO#9/Loud&Clear/Beyond Nuclear/nuclear satellites crashing.mp3

INTENSO#9/On Contact/

INTENSO#9/On Contact/‘Mourning Becomes Electra’ with Eunice Wong & David Herskovits.mp4

INTENSO#9/On Contact/Architecture as a form of oppression with Carl Anthony.mp4

INTENSO#9/On Contact/Birth of American Empire with Stephen Kinzer.mp4

INTENSO#9/On Contact/Climate crisis with James Hansen.mp4

INTENSO#9/On Contact/Days of Revolt - The Corporate Coup d'etat with Ralph Nader.mp4

INTENSO#9/On Contact/On Contact- Decline of the American empire with Alfred McCoy.mp4

INTENSO#9/On Contact/Ralph Nader - American Mythology and the loss of democracy.mp4

INTENSO#9/On Contact/Rising threat of climate conflict with Christian Parenti.mp4

INTENSO#9/On Contact/The CIA & torture with John Kiriakou.mp4

INTENSO#9/On Contact/The shifting state of planet Earth and alien planets.mp4

INTENSO#9/On Contact/The Silencing of the Left with Robert Scheer.mp4

INTENSO#9/On Contact/The war of WikiLeaks, Assange & other outlets exposing the inner workings of power_Barrett Brown.mp4





INTENSO#9/Paul Jay/

INTENSO#9/Paul Jay/Paul-Jay-Threats-Facing-Humanity-Basic-Income--Importance-of-Historical-Context.mp4

INTENSO#9/Paul Jay/Splits-in-the-Ruling-Elite-Over-Trump.mp4

INTENSO#9/Paul Jay/The-Rise-of-Jeremy-Corbyn-and-Class-Struggle-in-the-UK-Labour-Party---RAI-with-Leo-Panitch-34.mp4

INTENSO#9/Paul Jay/Threats-facing-Humanity-Russiagate--the-Role-of-Independent-Media.mp4

INTENSO#9/Paul Jay/Trump-Corruption-and-the-Crisis-of-the-Global-Elites.mp4

INTENSO#9/Paul Jay/Undoing the New Deal

INTENSO#9/Paul Jay/Undoing the New Deal/Pt1.-The-1944-Coup-Against-VP-Henry-Wallace.mp4

INTENSO#9/Paul Jay/Undoing the New Deal/Pt2.-Trumans-Cold-War-Buries-Wallace-and-the-Left.mp4

INTENSO#9/Paul Jay/Undoing the New Deal/Pt3.-Roosevelt-Created-A-Social-Safety-Net-Not-Socialism.mp4

INTENSO#9/Paul Jay/Undoing the New Deal/Pt4.-Truman-Embraces-the-Cold-War.mp4

INTENSO#9/Paul Jay/Undoing the New Deal/Pt5.-African-Americans-Racism-and-the-FDRJohnson-Reforms.mp4

INTENSO#9/Paul Jay/Undoing the New Deal/Pt6.-Clinton-Rolled-Back-the-Deal-Obama-Blew-a-FDR-Moment.mp4

INTENSO#9/Paul Jay/Undoing the New Deal/Pt7.-Eisenhower-Builds-an-Arsenal-of-Nuclear-Weapons-and-a-Cabinet-of-Millionaires.mp4

INTENSO#9/Paul Jay/Undoing the New Deal/Pt8.-The-Age-of-Lunacy.mp4

INTENSO#9/auch auf INTENSO#7/RichardFeynman

INTENSO#9/auch auf INTENSO#7/RichardFeynman/Los Alamos From Below -- Richard Feynman.mp4

INTENSO#9/auch auf INTENSO#7/RichardFeynman/Richard Feynman Computer Heuristics Lecture.mp4

INTENSO#9/auch auf INTENSO#7/RichardFeynman)/Richard Feynman The World from another point of view [HD].mp4

INTENSO#9/auch auf INTENSO#7/RichardFeynman/Richard Feynman- Nobel Prize Winner, Atomic Bomb, Quantum Mechanics.mp4


INTENSO#9/SamHarris/Sam Harris 2016 - Islam and the Future of Tolerance Sam Harris ted talk.mp4

INTENSO#9/SamHarris/Sam Harris 2016 Ted Talk on AI.mp4

INTENSO#9/SamHarris/TenTimes Sam Harris Blew Our Minds.mp4

INTENSO#9/SamHarris/Sam Harris Brilliantly Decimates A Muslim Apologist.mp4

INTENSO#9/SamHarris/Sam Harris and Cenk Uygur Clear the Air on Religious Violence and Islam.mp4

INTENSO#9/SamHarris/Sam Harris on religious belief (Full).mp4

INTENSO#9/SamHarris/Sam Harris discusses Islam, Orlando and the reaction from Trump, Clinton and Obama.mp4

INTENSO#9/SamHarris/Best of Sam Harris Debate, Interview, Arguments #1 - Mind blowing documentary.mp4

INTENSO#9/SamHarris/Sam Harris on -Free Will-.mp4

INTENSO#9/SamHarris/Sam Harris and Dave Rubin Talk Religion, Politics, Free Speech (Full Interview).mp4

INTENSO#9/SamHarris/Heated Debate on Police Racial Profiling - Sam Harris, Hannibal Buress & Joe Rogan.mp4

INTENSO#9/SamHarris/Sam Harris- The Self is an Illusion.mp4

INTENSO#9/SamHarris/Sam Harris - A Collection Of Arguments Every Believer and Atheist Should Know About.mp4

INTENSO#9/SamHarris/Sam Harris - Death and the Present Moment.mp4

INTENSO#9/SamHarris/Science can answer moral questions - Sam Harris.mp4

INTENSO#9/SamHarris/Sam Harris Greatest Speech On Religion.mp4

INTENSO#9/SamHarris/My Chat with Sam Harris (THE SAAD TRUTH_262).mp4

INTENSO#9/SamHarris/Sam Harris On Black Lives Matter BLM.mp4

INTENSO#9/SamHarris/Ben Affleck, Sam Harris and Bill Maher Debate Radical Islam - Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO).mp4

INTENSO#9/SamHarris/#22  - Surviving the Cosmos- A Conversation with David Deutsch.mp3

INTENSO#9/SamHarris/Sam Harris Discusses His Ben Affleck Debate on Real Time with Bill Maher.mp4

INTENSO#9/SamHarris/Sam Harris on Islam, the Left, Trump, and Hillary.mp4

INTENSO#9/SamHarris/TheEndOfTheWorld (1 - 6.mp4)

INTENSO#9/SamHarris/Can we build AI without losing control over it- - Sam Harris.mp4



INTENSO#9/Snowden/(New Prediction By Edward Snowden) The Scary Truth About Bitcoin - The Dark Future Of 2018.mp4

INTENSO#9/Snowden/DOCUMENTARY- Edward Snowden - Terminal F (2015).mp4

INTENSO#9/Snowden/Edward Snowden - Russia, Brexit & Trump - Cyber Summit - October - 2017.mp4

INTENSO#9/Snowden/Edward Snowden - Speaks on Uber Hack, AI, Cloud Computing & Phones Always Watching.mp4

INTENSO#9/Snowden/Edward Snowden Exposes The Elites in New Interview.mp4

INTENSO#9/Snowden/Edward Snowden Interview with Peter Van Valkenburgh of Coin Center - Blockstack Berlin 2018.mp4

INTENSO#9/Snowden/Meet Snowden.mp4





INTENSO#9/Snowden/Snowden-DVD/Screen shot 2018-04-15 at 19.54.19.png

INTENSO#9/Snowden/Snowden-DVD/Screen shot 2018-04-15 at 19.56.43.png


INTENSO#9/Snowden/Snowden's Message on Hacking US 2016 Elections 3-11-2018.mp4

INTENSO#9/Snowden/Snowden’s Message on Facebook’s data leak scandal with Cambridge Analytica.mp4

INTENSO#9/Tucker Carlson

INTENSO#9/Tucker Carlson/2018.04.17 Tucker Carlson Gets It Right On Syria, Again.mp4

INTENSO#9/Tucker Carlson/Embassy Media - Interview with Former British Ambassador Peter Ford.mp4

INTENSO#9/William Binney

INTENSO#9/William Binney/! NSA Whistleblower William Binney Operation Toto Pulling Back The Curtain.mp4 (Alex Jones Info Wars, March 2018)

INTENSO#9/William Binney/A Good American - Bill Binney -The Intelligence Community is Lying to the President-.mp4

INTENSO#9/William Binney/A_Good_American

INTENSO#9/Binney/A_Good_American/A GOOD AMERICAN Title1.mp4 (Nov. 2016, engl. version).mp4

INTENSO#9/Binney/A_Good_AmericanA Good American.img

INTENSO#9/Binney/A_Good_American/A good American.mp4 (Nov. 2016, dt. Version)

INTENSO#9/Binney/A_Good_American/Screen shot 2017-12-16 at 15.07.18.png

INTENSO#9/Binney/A_Good_American/Screen shot 2017-12-16 at 15.13.10.png


INTENSO#9/William Binney/Bedros Hajian live January 13, 2018 interview with William Binney.mp4

INTENSO#9/William Binney/BILL BINNEY, RAY MCGOVERN AND BARBARA BOYD -The Crimes Reach far beyond the Justice Dept-.mp4

INTENSO#9/William Binney/David Knight Info Wars - William Binney Warning- Surveillance Turns Inward & Political.mp4

INTENSO#9/William Binney/Evidence shows DNC emails downloaded locally - NSA whistleblower.mp4

INTENSO#9/William Binney/How NSA Tracks You (Bill Binney) [improved audio].mp4 (From the SHA2017 conference in Netherlands. ...)

INTENSO#9/William Binney/Intel community ‘not being honest’ with president about Russia ‒ Bill Binney.mp4

INTENSO#9/William Binney/Jimmy Dore - NSA Genius Debunks Russiagate Once & For All.mp4

INTENSO#9/William Binney/Manhattan Town Hall event with Ray McGovern and Bill Binney (19. August 2017).mp4

INTENSO#9/William Binney/Mindblowing Corruption At FBI - NSA Whistleblower Reveals.mp4 (The Jimmy Dore Show)

INTENSO#9/William Binney/NSA Whistleblower Bill Binney, and His Ordeal.mp3 (transcript)

INTENSO#9/William Binney/Pressekonferenz- Oesterreich am Weg zum Ueberwachungsstaat (mit NSA-Whistleblower Bill Binney).mp4 (transcript)

INTENSO#9/William Binney/Whistleblower Bill Binney on Counsulting CIA Director Mike Pompeo At Trump's Request DNC Leaks 12-5.mp4

INTENSO#9/William Binney/William Binney -Military Industrial Complex Wants New Cold War & Is Behind Anti-Russian Stories.-.mp4

INTENSO#9/William Binney/William Binney (ITNJ Seating).mp4

INTENSO#9/Binney/William Binney & Arjen Kamphuis - The Dangers of Success - Cambridge University 12-10-2017.mp4

INTENSO#9/William Binney/William Binney & Kirk Wiebe - NSA Whistleblowers at Enterprise Security and Risk Management Nov 2017.mp4

INTENSO#9/William Binney/William Binney Warning- Surveillance Turns Inward & Political.mp4 (David Knight, InfoWars, Real News)

INTENSO#9/Willy Wimmer

INTENSO#9/Willy Wimmer/Willy Wimmer - Buchpraesentation -Deutschland im Umbruch-.mp4

INTENSO#9/Willy Wimmer/Willy Wimmer am Telefon - zu den Bomben auf Syrien - 14.4.2018 - SeeGespräche Aktuell - YouTube.mp4

INTENSO#9/Willy Wimmer/Willy Wimmer mahnt Bundesregierung und Kanzlerin- -Maessigen Sie ihren Ton gegenueber Russland!-.mp4

INTENSO#9/Willy Wimmer/Willy Wimmer über Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz- „Kriegskonferenz mit Krokodilstränen“.mp4

INTENSO#9/Willy Wimmer/Willy Wimmer und Albrecht Mueller über die Beziehung zu Russland.(NachDenkSeiten).mp4

INTENSO#9/Willy Wimmer/Willy Wimmer- „Westen antwortet auf ausgestreckte Hand Putins mit eiserner Faust“.mp4

INTENSO#9/Willy Wimmer/Willy Wimmer- Merkels Bruch ihres Amtseides! Interview 18.06.2018.mp3



INTENSO#9/Zahren/Oktobererlebnis in Zahren.mp4


(63 GB available)


                              Alvar Aalto and the Future of the Modern Project- with Kenneth Frampton


Aller Tage Abend (Fritz Kortner)


STICK#10/Arts/Bernd Alois Zimmermann

STICK#10/Arts/Bernd Alois Zimmermann/B.A.Zimmermann - Werkeinfuehrung zu "Monologe fuer 2 Klaviere".mov

STICK#10/Arts/Bernd Alois Zimmermann/Der Individualist.mov

STICK#10/Arts/Bernd Alois Zimmermann/Der Mensch hinter der Musik.mov

STICK#10/Arts/Bernd Alois Zimmermann/Der pluralistische Klang.mov

STICK#10/Arts/Bernd Alois Zimmermann/Der_Universalist-1.mov

STICK#10/Arts/Bernd Alois Zimmermann/Der_Universalist-2.mov

STICK#10/Arts/Bernd Alois Zimmermann/Die Soldaten.mov

STICK#10/Arts/Bernd Alois Zimmermann/Heinz Holliger ueber B.A.Z.mov


STICK#10/Arts/Clara Haskil.mp4

STICK#10/Arts/clavigo1 - Computer.m4v

STICK#10/Arts/Der Kaufmann von Venedig.mp4

STICK#10/Arts/Gerriet K. Sharma_Klangskulptur für einen Ikosaederlautsprecher 2016 - binaural gerendert, bitte Kopfhoerer verwenden.mov


STICK#10/Arts/Tales of Hoffman Full.mp4

STICK#10/Arts/Tannhaeuser_anfang -1.25.Aufzug

STICK#10/Arts/Tony Palmer

STICK#10/Arts/Tony Palmer/Callas (Full Film) - Tony Palmer Films.mp4

STICK#10/Arts/Tony Palmer/Wagner – Part 1 of 3 (Full Film) - Tony Palmer Films.mp4

STICK#10/Arts/Tony Palmer/Wagner – Part 2 of 3 (Full Film) - Tony Palmer Films.mp4

STICK#10/Arts/Tony Palmer/Wagner – Part 3 of 3 (Full Film) - Tony Palmer Films.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/31C3 - Jacob Appelbaum, Laura Poitras- Reconstructing narratives.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/1-day exploit development for Cisco IOS.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/Algorithmic science evaluation and power structure- discourse on strategic citation.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/All Computers Are Beschlagnahmt.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/Beeinflussung durch Kuenstliche Intelligenz.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/BGP and the Rule of Custom.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/Closing the loop_ Reconnecting social-technologial dynamics to Earth System science.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/Constanze Kurz (CCC)- Keynote - Zündfunk Netzkongress 2017.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/Der netzpolitische Wetterbericht.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/Der PC-Wahl-Hack.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/Die goettliche Informatik.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/Die Lauschprogramme der Geheimdienste.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/Die Sprache der Überwacher.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/Electromagnetic Threats for Information Security.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/Forensic Architecture.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/Gamified Control- China's Social Credit Systems.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/Growing Up Software Development.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/hacking disaster.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/How can you trust formally verified software-.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/How risky is the software you use-.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/Inside Android’s SafetyNet Attestation- Attack and Defense.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/Internet of Fails.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/Jahresrueckblick des CCC 2017.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/Lobby-Schlacht um die ePrivacy-Verordnung.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/Netzpolitik in der Schweiz.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/Science is broken.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/Social Bots, Fake News und Filterblasen - english translation.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/Social Cooling - big data’s unintended side effect.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/Squeezing a key through a carry bit.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/The Snowden Refugees under Surveillance in Hong Kong.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/Truegerische Sicherheit-Peter_Schaar.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/Uncovering British spies’ web of sockpuppet social media personas.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/We should share our secrets.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/34C3/WTFrance.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/arts

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/arts/(Joscha Bach)The Ghost in the Machine.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/arts/All Creatures Welcome.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/arts/Mondnacht.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/arts/The Urban Organism.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/arts/Theater und Quantenzeitalter.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/politics,ethics,society

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/politics,ethics,society/Archaeologische Studien im Datenmuell.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/politics,ethics,society/Buermeyer&Markard Freedom needs fighters!.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/politics,ethics,society/Buermeyer&Meister Funkzellenabfrage- Die alltaegliche Rasterfahndung unserer Handydaten.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/politics,ethics,society/Datenschutz für Neulandbuerger.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/politics,ethics,society/Desinformation und Fake News - Bekaempfung und Verifizierung leicht gemacht.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/politics,ethics,society/Dobusch Chaos im Fernsehrat.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/politics,ethics,society/Du kannst alles hacken – du darfst dich nur nicht erwischen lassen..mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/politics,ethics,society/Eckert-Krause-Hornung Inside the Fake Science Factories (german).mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/politics,ethics,society/EDRI Citzens or subjects- The battle to control our bodies, speech and communications.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/politics,ethics,society/Internet, the Business Side.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/politics,ethics,society/Jahresrueckblick des CCC 2018.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/politics,ethics,society/Klaus Landefeld Vorstand DE-CIX_G10, BND-Gesetz und der effektive Schutz vor Grundrechten.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/politics,ethics,society/Kurz Polizeigesetze.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/politics,ethics,society/Lohninger Oesterreich- Überwachungsstaat oder doch nur Digitalisierung fuer Anfaenger-.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/politics,ethics,society/MicroPython – Python for Microcontrollers.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/politics,ethics,society/Netzpolitik zwischen Bodensee und Matterhorn.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/politics,ethics,society/Netzpolitischer Wetterbericht 2018 (Beckedahl).mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/politics,ethics,society/NZU Explaining Online US Political Advertising.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/politics,ethics,society/Opsahl It Always Feels Like the Five Eyes Are Watching You.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/politics,ethics,society/Security Nightmares.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/politics,ethics,society/Semsrott-Rehak-Meister-Biselli Best of Informationsfreiheit.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/politics,ethics,society/The chinese Social Credit System.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/politics,ethics,society/Tibbo The Surveillance State limited by acts of courage and conscience.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/resilience

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/resilience/Cat & Mouse- Evading the Censors in 2018.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/resilience/Censored Planet- a Global Censorship Observatory.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/resilience/Wind- Off-Grid Services for Everyday People.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/science

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/science/Augmented Reality- Bridging the gap between the physical and the digital world.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/science/Genom-Editierung mit CRISPR-Cas.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/science/Going Deep Underground to Watch the Stars.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/science/Hacking Ecology.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/science/Hacking how we see.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/science/Introduction to Deep Learning.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/science/Modchips of the State.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/science/Quantum Mechanics.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/science/Simulating Universes.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/security

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/security/35C3 - The Layman's Guide to Zero-Day Engineering.mp4

STICK#10/Chaos Communication Conferences/35C3/security/From Zero to Zero Day.mp4





Gravel-DotCom-Binney-Episode 4-5.8.2019.mp4


Alma_Mater_1.mp4, Alma_Mater_2.mp4, Alma_Mater_3.mp4

Clavigo_1.1.mp4, Clavigo_1.2.mp4, Clavigo_1.3, Clavigo_2.1.mp4.mp4, Clavigo_2.2.mp4

Masks: Masks-d1.mp4, Masks-d2.mp4, Masks-e1.mp4, Masks-e2.mp4


STICK#10/Dokus/2.8.2018 - Max Blumenthal on US interference in other countries.mov

STICK#10/Dokus/1533 - John Nixon- Interrogating Saddam Hussein.mp4

Alternative Views - CIA On Company Business (1980)(1).mp4

STICK#10/Dokus/An Ocean of Lies on Venezuela- Abby Martin & UN Rapporteur Expose Coup.mp4

Atom-Streit in Wackersdorf.mp4

STICK#10/Dokus/Barrett Brown

STICK#10/Dokus/Barrett Brown/Accidental Warrior- The Life and Time of Barrett Brown [Full movie].mp4

STICK#10/Dokus/Barrett Brown/Live AMA with Barrett Brown!.mp4

STICK#10/Dokus/Barrett Brown/PursuanceProject

STICK#10/Dokus/Barrett Brown/PursuanceProject/#Pursuance Explanation Series, Part Two- NGOs, Non-Profits, and Other Institutions.mp4

STICK#10/Dokus/Barrett Brown/PursuanceProject/Pursuance Explanation Series, Part One- The Basics of a Pursuance.mp4

STICK#10/Dokus/Berlin in July 1945 (HD 1080p color footage).mp4


STICK#10/Dokus/chemnitz/#CHEMNITZ - Ein Insiderbericht - Frank Stoner im Gespräch mit Frank Höfer.mp4

STICK#10/Dokus/chemnitz/#Chemnitz - Zwischen Wut und Ausnahmezustand.mp4

STICK#10/Dokus/chemnitz/#WIRSINDMEHR- Eine schockierende Analyse - Robert Stein im Gespräch mit Frank Höfer.mp4


STICK#10/Dokus/DER FALL Luxemburg & Liebknecht

STICK#10/Dokus/Der Maya Code

STICK#10/Dokus/ Der neue Kalte Krieg - Mehr Atomwaffen für Europa- – Doku HD.mp4

STICK#10/Dokus/ Der Tod von UNO-Generalsekretaer Hammarskjoeld 1961 in Sambia - Mord oder Unfall -.mp4

Die grossen Fragen- Gibt es Gott- -Harald Lesch -Terra X.mp4

Goedel: Science and Christian religion are consistent by nature.

STICK#10/Dokus/ The Last Mission [of Dag Hammarskjold].mp4

STICK#10/Dokus/ Good Night and Good Luck...The Story of Edward R. Murrow (1975).mp4

STICK#10/Dokus/Heritage - The Civilization and the Jews 1984

STICK#10/Dokus/Howard Dryden- Save the oceans and we save the planet.mp4

STICK#10/Dokus/Isaac Newton - ein Mann veraendert die Welt


STICK#10/Dokus/Israel/Ben Gurions Vermaechtnis.mp4

STICK#10/Dokus/Israel/Inside Mossad.mp4

STICK#10/Dokus/Israel/Martin Buber, Religionsphilosoph und Humanist.mp4

STICK#10/Dokus/Israel/mein gelobtes Land

STICK#10/Dokus/Jagd auf Snowden - John Goetz.mp4

STICK#10/Dokus/Missile Crisis- The Man Who Saved the World.mp4

STICK#10/Dokus/Mstislaw Rostropowitsch - Der ungezaehmte Bogen.mp4

STICK#10/Dokus/Nach Paris- Wie bekommen wir die Klimakrise noch in den Griff- (Stefan Rahmstorf).mp4


STICK#10/Dokus/nachdenkseiten/Informationsfreiheitsgesetze! Was nun, was tun- --- gesellschaftsbarometer.mp4

STICK#10/Dokus/Nicolas Maduro im Exklusiv-Interview- -Ich will nicht als Verraeter in die Geschichte eingehen-.mp4



STICK#10/Dokus/RFKennedy- Why the Arabs don’t want us in Syria – POLITICO.pdf

STICK#10/Dokus/Saddam Husseins Vernehmer bei der CIA enthüllt Lügen des Irakkriegs - TEIL 1.mp4

STICK#10/Dokus/Saddam Husseins Vernehmer bei der CIA enthüllt Lügen des Irakkriegs - TEIL 2.mp4

The Assange Story. WikiLeaks founders journey from whistleblowing hero to exile.mp4

The Atomic Caf - 1982 Documentary.mp4

ZDFzeit- Mensch Gorbatschow! Der Genosse, der die Welt vernderte - Doku deutsch 2021 NEU.mp4




STICK#10/Downloads 11-2018

Cover Story/ Is the FBI Up to the Job 10 Years After 9/11? -- Printout -- TIME.pdf

Das Treiben der Laemmer.pdf




STICK#10/Ellsberg/#43 - Daniel Ellsberg on the creation of nuclear doomsday machines, the institutional insanity that maintains them, and how they could be dismantled.mp3

STICK#10/Ellsberg/Daniel Ellsberg - The Doomsday Machine- Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner (Bloomsbury).mp4

STICK#10/Ellsberg/Daniel Ellsberg Interviewed by Joe LauriaF

STICK#10/Ellsberg/Daniel Ellsberg On Assange Arrest- The Beginning of the End For Press Freedom.mp4

STICK#10/Ellsberg/Daniel Ellsberg on Julian Assange’s Espionage Charges.mp4

STICK#10/Ellsberg/Daniel Ellsberg on the creation of nuclear doomsday machines, the institutional insanity that maintains them, and a practical plan for dismantling them.  80,000 Hours

STICK#10/Ellsberg/Daniel Ellsberg on the creation of nuclear doomsday machines, the institutional insanity that maintains them, and a practical plan for dismantling them.  80,000 Hours/#43 - Daniel Ellsberg on the creation of nuclear doomsday machines, the institutional insanity that maintains them, and how they could be dismantled.mp3

STICK#10/Ellsberg/Daniel Ellsberg on the creation of nuclear doomsday machines, the institutional insanity that maintains them, and a practical plan for dismantling them.  80,000 Hours/Daniel Ellsberg on the creation of nuclear doomsday machines, the institutional insanity that maintains them, and a practical plan for dismantling them. - 80,000 Hours.html

STICK#10/Ellsberg/Daniel Ellsberg on the creation of nuclear doomsday machines, the institutional insanity that maintains them, and a practical plan for dismantling them.  80,000 Hours/Daniel Ellsberg on the creation of nuclear doomsday machines, the institutional insanity that maintains them, and how they could be dismantled.aif

STICK#10/Ellsberg/Daniel Ellsberg on the creation of nuclear doomsday machines, the institutional insanity that maintains them, and a practical plan for dismantling them.  80,000 Hours/Daniel Ellsberg on the creation of nuclear doomsday machines, the institutional insanity that maintains them, and how they could be dismantled.mov

STICK#10/Ellsberg/Daniel Ellsberg on the creation of nuclear doomsday machines, the institutional insanity that maintains them, and how they could be dismantled.mp3

STICK#10/Ellsberg/Daniel Ellsberg talks about Julian Assange.mov


STICK#10/Ellsberg/Daniel_Ellsberg@RAI_10.2018/(1 of 8) The Doomsday Machine- The Big Lie of the Cold War - Daniel Ellsberg on RAI.mp4

STICK#10/Ellsberg/Daniel_Ellsberg@RAI_10.2018/(2 of 8) Hitler Wouldn’t Risk Doomsday, But The United States Did - Daniel Ellsberg on RAI.mp4

STICK#10/Ellsberg/Daniel_Ellsberg@RAI_10.2018/(3 of 8) Truman Delayed End of WWII to Demonstrate Nuclear Weapons.mp4

STICK#10/Ellsberg/Daniel_Ellsberg@RAI_10.2018/(4 of 8) The Largest Act of Terrorism in Human History - Daniel Ellsberg on RAI.mp4

STICK#10/Ellsberg/Daniel_Ellsberg@RAI_10.2018/(5 of 8) Russian “Doomsday Machine” an Answer to U.S. Decapitation Strategy - Daniel Ellsberg on RAI.mp4

STICK#10/Ellsberg/Daniel_Ellsberg@RAI_10.2018/(6 of 8) U.S. Planned Nuclear First Strike to Destroy Soviets and China.mp4

STICK#10/Ellsberg/Daniel_Ellsberg@RAI_10.2018/(7 of 8) U.S. Refuses to Adopt a Nuclear Weapon No First Use Pledge - Daniel Ellsberg on RAI.mp4

STICK#10/Ellsberg/Daniel_Ellsberg@RAI_10.2018/(8_of_12) Once Fired, There’s No Calling a Nuke Back.mp4

STICK#10/Ellsberg/Daniel_Ellsberg@RAI_10.2018/(9_of_12) The Discovery That Should Have Changed the Cold War.mp4

STICK#10/Ellsberg/Daniel_Ellsberg@RAI_10.2018/(10_of_12) A Strategy of War Crimes, Killing Civilians to Win a War.mp4

STICK#10/Ellsberg/Daniel_Ellsberg@RAI_10.2018/(11_of_12) The Doomsday Machine and Nuclear Winter.mp4

STICK#10/Ellsberg/Daniel_Ellsberg@RAI_10.2018/(12_of_13)-Dismantle the American Doomsday Machine.mp4

STICK#10/Ellsberg/Daniel_Ellsberg@RAI_10.2018/(13_of_13)-Convert Military to Green Production, or Perish.mp4

STICK#10/Eugen Drewermann

STICK#10/Eugen Drewermann/Berliner Ostermarsch 2018 - Rede von Eugen Drewermann (antikriegTV).mp4

STICK#10/Eugen Drewermann/Drewermann_mp3s

STICK#10/Eugen Drewermann/Drewermann_mp3s/Berliner Ostermarsch 2018 - Rede von Eugen Drewermann (antikriegTV).mp4

STICK#10/Eugen Drewermann/Drewermann_mp3s/Eugen Drewermann - Vortrag ueber Depression 1-2.mp3

STICK#10/Eugen Drewermann/Drewermann_mp3s/Eugen Drewermann - Vortrag ueber Depression 2-2.mp3

STICK#10/Eugen Drewermann/Drewermann_mp3s/Eugen Drewermann erhaelt Bautzner Friedenspreis 2018.mp3

STICK#10/Eugen Drewermann/Drewermann_mp3s/Eugen Drewermann- Wie der Kapitalismus uns ruiniert & die jesuanische Alternative.mp3

STICK#10/Eugen Drewermann/Drewermann_mp3s/Geld, Gesellschaft und Gewalt - Vortrag von Dr. Eugen Drewermann in der Urania Berlin, 11.4.2016.mp3

STICK#10/Eugen Drewermann/Drewermann_mp3s/Ist Krieg ein Naturgesetz.mp3

STICK#10/Eugen Drewermann/Drewermann_mp3s/KenFM am Set- Eugen Drewermann appelliert an das Gewissen der Deutschen.mp3

STICK#10/Eugen Drewermann/Drewermann_mp3s/KenFM im Gespraech mit- Eugen Drewermann.mp3

STICK#10/Eugen Drewermann/Eugen Drewermann - Vortrag ueber Depression 1-2.mp4

STICK#10/Eugen Drewermann/Eugen Drewermann - Vortrag ueber Depression 2-2.mp4

STICK#10/Eugen Drewermann/Eugen Drewermann auf dem Berliner Ostermarsch 2018 Teil2.mp4

STICK#10/Eugen Drewermann/Eugen Drewermann erhält Bautzner Friedenspreis 2018.mp4

STICK#10/Eugen Drewermann/Eugen Drewermann- Wie der Kapitalismus uns ruiniert & die jesuanische Alternative - Vortrag - VAKUUM.mp4

STICK#10/Eugen Drewermann/Geld, Gesellschaft und Gewalt - Vortrag von Dr. Eugen Drewermann in der Urania Berlin, 11.4.2016.mp4

STICK#10/Eugen Drewermann/Ist Krieg ein Naturgesetz.mp4

STICK#10/Eugen Drewermann/KenFM am Set- Eugen Drewermann appelliert an das Gewissen der Deutschen.mp4

STICK#10/Eugen Drewermann/KenFM im Gespraech mit- Eugen Drewermann.mp4

STICK#10/Eugen Drewermann/KenFM zeigt- Friedensappell von Eugen Drewermann vor dem Schloss Bellevue, Berlin, 13.12.2014.mp4

STICK#10/Filme & Hoerspiele

STICK#10/Filme & Hoerspiele/a good american

STICK#10/Filme & Hoerspiele/Das Unternehmen der Wega - Friedrich Duerrenmatt (1955).mp3

STICK#10/Filme & Hoerspiele/Deutschstunde

STICK#10/Filme & Hoerspiele/Georg Buechner

STICK#10/Filme & Hoerspiele/Georg Buechner/Lenz

STICK#10/Filme & Hoerspiele/Hoerspiel - Der Futurologische Kongress (Stanislaw Lem).mp4

STICK#10/Filme & Hoerspiele/Masks.mp4

STICK#10/Filme & Hoerspiele/murder in samarkand_Craig Murray

STICK#10/Filme & Hoerspiele/No Man's Land (1978).mp4

STICK#10/Filme & Hoerspiele/Oppenheimer (1980)

STICK#10/Filme & Hoerspiele/Oppenheimer (1980)/Episode 1.mp4

STICK#10/Filme & Hoerspiele/Oppenheimer (1980)/Episode 6.mp4

STICK#10/Filme & Hoerspiele/Robert Koch Bekaempfer des Todes.mp4

STICK#10/Filme & Hoerspiele/Schaetzings Schwarm

STICK#10/Filme & Hoerspiele/Silkwood (1983) Movie - Meryl Streep, Kurt Russell, Cher.mp4

STICK#10/Filme & Hoerspiele/The Garden of The Finzi-Continis.mp4

STICK#10/Filme & Hoerspiele/Transit

STICK#10/Filme & Hoerspiele/Waltz with Bashir 2008 Animation movies for kids.mp4

Wasser fr Canitoga 1939 - Film.mp4

STICK#10/Filme & Hoerspiele/Yiddish Story Time - The Cafeteria by  Isaac Bashevis Singer.mp3

STICK#10/Going Underground

STICK#10/Going Underground/Pakistan election, BRICS vs IMF & the biggest neoliberal Ponzi scheme in the Solar System (E643).mp4

STICK#10/Going Underground/Top human rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson on censorship, WikiLeaks & Brazil’s Lula (E628).mp4


STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/'The Day After' Discussion Panel, ABC News Viewpoint November 20, 1983.mp4

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/actvism_Threats-facing-Humanity-Russiagate--the-Role-of-Independent-Media.mp4

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/Brian Bartholomeusz

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/Brian Bartholomeusz/Commercializing Energy Innovations – a panel discussion with three Stanford founders_nov2016.mp4

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/Brian Bartholomeusz/energy for the 21. century.mp4

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/Brian Bartholomeusz/november_2016.mp4

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/Hans Kueng - Für eine bessere Welt (NZZ Standpunkte 2013).mp3

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/HARDtalk Hugh Thompson Jr 2004.mp4

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/im Gespraech mit Friedrich Luft

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/im Gespraech mit Friedrich Luft/Flickenschildt (1 von 2) 1965 in -Das Profil-.mp4

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/im Gespraech mit Friedrich Luft/Flickenschildt (2 von 2) 1965 in -Das Profil-.mp4

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/im Gespraech mit Friedrich Luft/Golo Mann (1962).mp4

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/im Gespraech mit Friedrich Luft/Max Frisch 1-2.mp4

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/im Gespraech mit Friedrich Luft/Max Frisch 2-2.mp4

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/Jan Philipp Albrecht- Meine Daten - meine Wahl! Was bringt uns die Europäische Datenschutzreform-.mp4

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/loud&clear

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/loud&clear/27.3.2018-skripal_escalation_diplomats_expulsion.mp3

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/Michael Rich, President and CEO, RAND Corporation.mp3

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/Peter Ford 2018 - Propaganda and the Mainstream Media.mp3

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/Robert Scheer- Fake News Or Assault On Democracy-.mp4

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/Snowden talks surveillance, privacy and civil rights at law school conference.mp4

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/The Armageddon Letters- Kennedy, Khrushchev, and Castro in the Cuban Missile Crisis.mp4

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/The Economics of Climate Change- Risk, Ethics, a Global Deal - Nicholas Stern.mp4

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/The Future of Freedom - Ray McGovern

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/The-Empire-Files-Ralph-Nader--Abby-Martin-on-the-Corporate-Elections.mp4

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/Truthdig editor in chief Robert Scheer sits down with veteran intelligence an....mp3

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/Udo di Fabio

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/Udo di Fabio/Prof. Dr. Dr. Udo di Fabio- Wie ist individuelle Freiheit möglich-.mp3

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/Udo di Fabio/Udo di Fabio - -Europa für alle- Aspekte der neuen Völkerwanderung-.mp3

Ukraine War History - Why it was a Predictable Bloodbath w-Jeffrey Sachs.mp4 (Sept. 7, 2023)

STICK#10/interviews & discussion & lectures/Watch Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin's full press conference.mp4

Werner Herzog Interview ber seinen Gorbatschow-Film - MDR KULTUR.mp4

STICK#10/IT talks

STICK#10/IT talks/Can we build AI without losing control over it- - Sam Harris.mp4

STICK#10/IT talks/Ray Kurzweil- Get ready for hybrid thinking.mp4

STICK#10/IT talks/The wonderful and terrifying implications of computers that can learn - Jeremy Howard.mp4




43.png - 45.png




Der_Pauli_Jung_Dialog_und_seine Bedeutung



Pauli_ Der_Einfluss_archetypischer_Vorstellungen_auf_die_Bildung_naturwissenschaftlicher_Theorien_bei_Kepler.rtfd

George Barr






dot graphs of orbitals








STICK#10/Julian Assange

STICK#10/Julian Assange/#Unity4J Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks

STICK#10/Julian Assange/#Unity4J Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks/#Unity4J 16.0 Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks.mp4

STICK#10/Julian Assange/#Unity4J Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks/#Unity4J 25.0 Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks.mp4

STICK#10/Julian Assange/#Unity4J Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks/01 John Kiriakou - #Unity4J FULL INTERVIEW - Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange.mp4

STICK#10/Julian Assange/#Unity4J Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks/Bill_Binney_@_Unity4J_Vigil#4_1_Sept_2018

STICK#10/Julian Assange/#Unity4J Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks/Bill_Binney_@_Unity4J_Vigil#4_1_Sept_2018/4.0, 1 Sept 2018.mp4

STICK#10/Julian Assange/#Unity4J Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks/Ellsberg_@_#32_(31_May_2019).mp4

STICK#10/Julian Assange/#Unity4J Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks/Kiriakou,Gravel,McGovern_@_#8.0_(14.Dec_2018).mp4

STICK#10/Julian Assange/#Unity4J Online Vigil in support of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks/Peter_Collins_@_#32_(31_May_2019).mp4

STICK#10/Julian Assange/Julian Assange Releases SHOCKING Message From Ecuador EXPOSING More On Hillary & DEEPSTATE.mp4

STICK#10/Julian Assange/Julian Assange- Why the world needs WikiLeaks.mp4

STICK#10/Julian Assange/The World Tomorrow

STICK#10/Julian Assange/The World Tomorrow/#1- Hassan Nasrallah (E1).mp4

STICK#10/Julian Assange/The World Tomorrow/#2- Slavoj Zizek & David Horowitz (E2).mp4

STICK#10/Julian Assange/The World Tomorrow/#3- Moncef Marzouki.mp4

STICK#10/Julian Assange/The World Tomorrow/#4- Nabeel Rajab & Alaa A. El-Fattah.mp4

STICK#10/Julian Assange/The World Tomorrow/#5-Surviving Guantanamo.mp4

STICK#10/Julian Assange/The World Tomorrow/#6- Assange & Ecuador's Pres. Correa.mp4

STICK#10/Julian Assange/The World Tomorrow/#7- Occupy Movement (E7).mp4

STICK#10/Julian Assange/The World Tomorrow/#9- Imran Khan.mp4

STICK#10/Julian Assange/The World Tomorrow/#10- Noam Chomsky & Tariq Ali.mp4

STICK#10/Julian Assange/The World Tomorrow/#11- Corruption & Islamophobia.mp4

STICK#10/Julian Assange/The World Tomorrow/#12- Anwar Ibrahim.mp4

STICK#10/Julian Assange/The World Tomorrow/Cypherpunks#1.mp4

STICK#10/Julian Assange/The World Tomorrow/Cypherpunks#2.mp4


STICK#10/KenFM/KenFM im Gespraech mit

STICK#10/KenFM/KenFM im Gespraech mit/Stefan Schubert (.mp4

STICK#10/KenFM/KenFM im Gespraech mit/Ein konstruktives & kritisches Gespräch mit Ken Jebsen.mp4

STICK#10/KenFM/KenFM im Gespraech mit/hans-juergen-krysmanski-2013.mp3

STICK#10/KenFM/KenFM im Gespraech mit/Margret Rasfeld (-Schulen im Aufbruch-).mp4

STICK#10/KenFM/KenFM im Gespraech mit/Stefan Schubert.mp4

STICK#10/KenFM/KenFM im Gespraech mit/TREE.TV 1 mit Willy Wimmer.mp4


STICK#10/KenFM/Me, Myself and Media 48 – Matrix-Medien-Märchenstunde. Willkommen im digitalen Aufwachzimmer.mp4

STICK#10/KenFM/RUBIKON- Im Gespraech- „Krieg ist heilbar!“ (Daniele Ganser und Franz Ruppert).mp4


STICK#10/Klima/Queen`s Lecture 2019_C._LeQuere.mp4 (The interactions between climate change and the carbon cycle and the future we choose, TU-Berlin, 11.11.2019)



STICK#10/Loud&Clear/2.8.2018 - Max Blumenthal on US interference in other countries.mov

STICK#10/Loud&Clear/3.8.2018 - internet censorship.mov









STICK#10/Loud&Clear/24.3.2018 Kiriakou comments Skripal case.txt

STICK#10/Loud&Clear/25.7.2018-Bruce Fein - impeaching a president making war.mov







STICK#10/Loud&Clear/2019_03_21_Kiriakou on Iraq War & Binney on Google.mov

STICK#10/Loud&Clear/An interview with Ted Koppel on the meaning of The Day After - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.pdf

STICK#10/Loud&Clear/Nicholson on Afghan war

STICK#10/Loud&Clear/nuclear issues


STICK#10/Loud&Clear/nuclear issues/2.8.2018 - used fuel storage nad reactor decommissioning.mov

STICK#10/Loud&Clear/nuclear issues/4.8.2018 - government supported loans.mov

STICK#10/Loud&Clear/nuclear issues/19.9.2018 - nuclear industry and natural disasters.mov

STICK#10/Loud&Clear/nuclear issues/Defense Nuclear Safety Board.mov

STICK#10/Loud&Clear/peter lavelle-dissolution of EU-US-connection.mov



STICK#10/Nuclear/A conversation with Sig Hecker.mp3


STICK#10/Nuclear/Jaczko/Fukushima -No More Nuclear- says Former NRC Chairman Jaczko Update 9-25-13.mp4

STICK#10/Nuclear/Jaczko/Fukushima- Lessons For The World Pt. 2 of 5.mp4

STICK#10/Nuclear/Jaczko/Gregory Jaczko - Risk, Reality and the Future of Nuclear Power.mp4

STICK#10/Nuclear/Jaczko/The Past, Present and Future of Nuclear Power- A Regulator's Perspective.mp4

STICK#10/Nuclear/The Leak

STICK#10/On Contact

STICK#10/On Contact/Can ‘drawing lots’ save democracy-.mp4


STICK#10/On Contact/Helen Buyniski on Wikipedia.mp4

STICK#10/On Contact/Julian Assange's -slow death- in the Ecuadorian Embassy.mp4

STICK#10/On Contact/On Contact- Civil disobedience to stop ecocide.mp3

STICK#10/On Contact/On Contact- Extinction Rebellion.mp3

STICK#10/On Contact/On Contact- The climate emergency with Dahr Jamail.mp3

STICK#10/On Contact/US complicity in Honduras.mp4

STICK#10/re-publica 2018

STICK#10/re-publica 2018/chelsea manning.mp4

STICK#10/real news network

STICK#10/real news network/stephen cohen

STICK#10/real news network/trnn-Paul_Jay

STICK#10/real news network/trnn-Paul_Jay/P_Kuznick_D-Day- How the US Supported Hitler's Rise to Power.mp4

STICK#10/real news network/trnn-Paul_Jay/stephen cohen


STICK#10/Sophie&Co/sophie&Co-Stephen Cohen.mp4

STICK#10/Sophie&Co/The revolution failed to bring democracy to Libya – ex-deputy PM of Libya.mp3


STICK#10/William Binney

STICK#10/William Binney/Bill Binney (former NSA) on the Arrest of Julian Assange.mp4

STICK#10/William Binney/Bill Binney in His Own Words.mp4

STICK#10/William Binney/Corsi in the Crosshairs – Bill Binney Blows the Whistle on Robert Mueller and DOJ Corruption.mp4

STICK#10/William Binney/Intelligence Assessment with Kevin Shipp Whistleblowers Roundtable with Bill Binney & John Kiriakou.mp4

STICK#10/William Binney/Mr. President—Listen to Bill Binney. Russiagate is a Worse Hoax than You Thought.mp4

STICK#11/Abschied von Tina.mp4

STICK#11/Chomsky and Ellsberg on the Present Danger.mp4

STICK#11/Christa Ludwig Wesendonck-Lieder [Klemperer] by Wagner(1).mp4




STICK#11/Lester Earnest


STICK#12/Arthur Miller

STICK#12/Daniel Ellsberg (2015)-Lied To Death-Conversations with Arn Menconi 




STICK#12/Sydney Belmarsh Tribunal for Julian Assange (full audio).mp4






For George (2017)


Das Raetsel unseres Bewusstseins (2016) (Cecile Denjean).mp4

Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality.mp4

Die Krieger des Computerzeitalters - ARDDoku deutsch 2015.mp4


Ukraine on Fire - Oliver Stone.mp4



Bill Binney

A_Good_American_deutsch.mp4 (2016)

A_GOOD_AMERICAN_english.mp4 (2016)

Binney on acTVism.mp4 (2016)

Evidence shows DNC emails downloaded locally - NSA whistleblower.mp4 (2017)

Manhattan Town Hall event with Ray McGovern and Bill Binney (19. August 2017).mp4

NSA Whistleblower Bill Binney, and His Ordeal.mp3 (2017)

NSA Whistleblower William Binney- The Future of FREEDOM_Tragedy&Hope.mp4 (2015)

Pressekonferenz- Oesterreich am Weg zum Ueberwachungsstaat (mit NSA-Whistleblower Bill Binney).mp4 (2017)

Daniel Ellsberg (2015)


Lied To Death- Conversations with Daniel Ellsberg

Chapter 1 Intro This Is The Human Condition.mp3

Chapter 1.mp3, Chapter 2.mp3, ... Chapter 11.mp3, Chapter 12 Conclusion.mp3


My Interview with Daniel Ellsberg - Arn Menconi_2015.mp4

John Kiriakou



Snowden - From Moscow with Love (2016)





Version: 29.05.2024

Address of this page


Joachim Gruber