Mitschrift und GedŠchtnisprotokoll der Beratung durch Dr. Manuela Neumann

Park-Klinik Wei§ensee


Datum: 8.1.2018

Chronische Sinusitis ...

C. Bachert, G. Holtappels, Pathophysiology of chronic rhinosinusitis, pharmaceutical therapy options, Current Topics in Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 2015, Vol. 14, pp 1-40 (published: 2015-12-22) - im Cache, excerpts

Research in immunology has brought great progress in knowledge of inflammatory processes in the last 2 decades, which also has an impact on the upper airways. Our understanding of the pathophysiology of chronic rhinosinusitis developed from a rather mechanistic point of view with a focus on narrow clefts and mucociliary clearance to the appreciation of a complex network of immunological pathways forming the basis of disease. We today differentiate various forms of inflammation, we start to understand complex immune-regulatory networks and the reasons for their failure, and have already developed innovative approaches for therapy for the most severely ill subjects. Due to this new knowledge in inflammation and remodeling processes within mucosal tissue, specifically on the key driving factors, new diagnostic tools and therapeutic approaches for chronic rhinosinusitis have developed; the differentiation of endotypes based on pathophysiological principles will be crucial for the use of innovative therapies, mostly humanized monoclonal antibodies. Several hundred of those antibodies are currently developed for various indications and will impact our specialty as well as pneumology to a great extent.

Mit Operation (OP bis hinein in die Siebbeinzellen, den hŠufigsten Ursprungsort der Polypen)

Die Immunreaktion, welche die Probleme (z.B. Polypen) verursacht, ist ztl. variabel, d.h. abhŠngig von Jahreszeit und Alter.

Gefahrenpunkte & Komplikationen bei der OP

GeringfŸgige Komplikationen

Schwerwiegende Komplikationen

Im vorliegenden Fall (DVT)

Es ist mšglich, dass die Sinusitis mit der schmerzhaften Paradontose in Verbindung steht. Der Mechanismus dafŸr ist unklar.


Multiresistente Erreger

Version: 14.1.2018

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Joachim Gruber