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Gabriela Gomes et al.

Individual variation in susceptibility or exposure to SARS-CoV-2 lowers the herd immunity threshold

medRxiv, 21 May 2020


As severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) spreads, the susceptible subpopulation is depleted causing the incidence of new cases to decline. Variation in individual susceptibility or exposure to infection exacerbates this effect. Individuals that are more susceptible or more exposed tend to be infected earlier, depleting the susceptible subpopulation of those who are at higher risk of infection. This selective depletion of susceptibles intensifies the deceleration in incidence. Eventually, susceptible numbers become low enough to prevent epidemic growth or, in other words, the herd immunity threshold (HIT) is reached.

Although estimates vary, simple calculations suggest that herd immunity to SARS- CoV-2 requires 60-70% of the population to be immune.

By fitting epidemiological models that allow for heterogeneity to SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks across the globe, we show that variation in susceptibility x (or exposure x) to infection reduces these estimates.

We integrate continuous distributions q(x) of susceptibility or connectivity in otherwise basic epidemic models (SEIR) for COVID-19 and show that as the coefficient of variation (CV) increases from 0 to 4, the herd immunity threshold declines from over 60% to less than 10%.

SEIR model


................................................................................................................................................................... (eq. 1, "SEIR model")




q(x) = probability density function of the gamma distribution ("Gamma Distribution")


with (note: γ and β used here are different from the parameters used in eq. 2)

  • γ being the shape parameter,
  • μ the location parameter,
  • β the scale parameter,
  • the gamma function
    • gammaF.png
    • the coefficient of variation
      • cv.png


Fig. J1: q[x] = probability density function of the gamma distribution. Abscissa = x, ordinate = q(x), μ = 1, β = 1,

  • γ =
    • 0.111 (CV = 3)
    • 1 (CV = 1)
    • 2.111 (CV = 0.7)


Figure 1: The effect of variation in susceptibility to infection on the size of epidemics. Suppressed wave and subsequent dynamics. Blue bars are confirmed new cases and overlaid red bars represent deaths.

  • basic reproduction number Ro
    • [which drops from an initial
      • R0 = 2.69 (susceptibility diagrams, upper part of Fig. 1) and
      • R0 = 2.82 (connectivity diagrams, lower part of Fig. 1)

      in March due to a lockdown and is assumed to increase to the pre-lockdown value along with the gradual relaxation of the lockdown conditions] and

  • effective reproduction number Reff = Ro S(t)/N = Ro s(t), which initially drops and rises in parallel with R0, but eventually falls together with the decreasing fraction s(t)(?)]

are displayed on bottom panels. Blue shades represent socialdistancing (intensity reflected in Ro trends and shade density).

  • Susceptibility factors x were implemented as gammadistributions.
  • Consensus parameter values (Materials and Methods):
    • δ = 1/4 per day;
    • gamma = 1/4 per day; and
    • ρ = 0.5.
    • Fraction of infected individuals identified as positive (reporting fraction): p = 0.1.
    • R0 and social distancing parameters were estimated by Bayesian inference as described in Supplementary Materials.

Curves represent median model predictions from 104posterior samples. Orange shades represent 95% credible intervals.

gomes variable HIT

Figure 3: Herd immunity threshold with variation in susceptibility and exposure to infection. Curves generated with the model (Equation 1) with gamma distributed susceptibility (black) or connectivity (gray) assuming Ro = 3: (solid) herd immunity threshold (HIT); (dashed) final size of uncontrolled epidemic. Vertical lines indicate coefficients of individual variation for several infectious diseases according to literature: (solid green) susceptibility or exposure to malaria [Amazon 1.79 (6), Africa 2.05 (7)]; (solid blue) susceptibility or exposure to tuberculosis [Portugal 2.37, Brazil 3.33 (8)]; (dotted red) infectiousness for SARS-CoV-1 [Singapore 2.62, Beijing 2.64 (9)]; (dotted black) infectiousness for SARS-CoV-2 [3.22 (10)]

Version: 15.2.2021
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Jochen Gruber