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We’re SO close to getting strong net neutrality rules in the EU.
Ask your EU representatives to adopt the necessary amendments.

The job of Members of the European Parliament is to represent you. We hate cold-calling people as much as you do – but if you don't take 2 minutes to tell them what you care about, only lobbyists will be heard. You can do it, and every call really makes a difference!

You can choose a MEP from your country on the PiPhone website.

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There are four missing pieces needed to deliver net neutrality in the EU

1. Prevent network discrimination

Large deep-pocketed companies should not be allowed to buy VIP tickets to prioritise their content over other traffic on the Internet.

What EU Parliamentarians need to do: Clarify the criteria defining specialised services to disallow discrimination on the network.

2. Treat all traffic equally

All traffic on the internet should be treated equally, with both unencrypted and encrypted content delivered as fast as possible.

What EU Parliamentarians need to do: Modify the provisions on traffic management to ensure equal treatment of traffic. Traffic management should be transparent, targeted and in accordance with the law.

3. Freedom to ban zero rating

ISPs should not be allowed to become gatekeepers and charge companies for the delivery of their services. Anyone with a great idea should be able to reach Internet users without having to pay a toll.

What EU Parliamentarians need to do: Add a provision to enable member states to ban the anti-competitive, discriminatory practices.

4. Managing network congestion

ISPs should be allowed to manage traffic in cases of congestion, but only if it is actually taking place.

What EU Parliamentarians need to do: Clarify the rules for managing congestion to prevent ISPs from interfering with the network for a discriminatory reason.


What is net neutrality?

Click here for more information on why, what, when and how to Save the Internet.
Net neutrality around the world ➤


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This is a cached version of Version 5 (October - November 2015)